36: Ya-Sin

This chapter is often called the Heart of the Qur'an and sometimes it bears the
alternate title of The Sprites. It is frequently read for solace in times of stress
such as one faces with death or illness. It is traditionally recited at funerals.
The entire chapter consists of five sections with 83 middle Meccan verses, all
except for v. 45 which dates from Madina. It was revealed just before The
Standard 25. The full name of the initials occurring in the title is said to stand
for Ya insan or O Man! , or [Every]man . but these letters have
become traditional and like those of another title, Ta-Ha! 20. are now a common
man's name.
The Town Which Was Warned (II) and The Last Trumpet (III) are
two parables contained in it. Towards the end of the chapter is an apocalyptic
description of how the world will end.