27: The Ants

This chapter of seven sections consists of 92 Meccan verses. It was revealed following the previous chapter on Poets 26 and before the next one on Stories 28. The chapter consists of fables or allegories which give it a narrative quality somewhat
like The Cave 18.
It begins with the story of \loses (I) and then describes
King Solomon's knowledge and his meeting with the Queen of Sheba (II),
which thus creates a beautiful
allegory on that king's campaigns. The title to the chapter comes from the ants
he meets on one such campaign. Thamud `s ancient Arabian messenger, Salih or
Methusaleh and Lot are also mentioned (IV). The grave sin of Association is next
discussed in section V. which leads into a splendid hymn to God Alone.
The chapter ends with consolation for Muhammad despite the apparent thank
lessness of the Prophet's mission, for it assures him that God will take care of
everything he has been worrying over. The final section (VII) offers a description
of the fate awaiting rejectors