24: The Light

This chapter forms one of the great treasures of the Qur'an. chiefly because of the
lyrical hymn to Light found in section v. It contains 64 Meccan and Madinese
verses arranged in nine sections. The chapter dates from before pilgrimage 22,
while v.64 was revealed after Banishment 29. NOTE the elevated style and the
frequent use of the adverb abadan or 'never' throughout this chapter.
The beginning contains advice or light on sex, etiquette and personal
modesty, and states that marriage is desirable (IV); it also warns against committing
slander and per3ury. The middle portion consists of the great hymn to Light
which gives the chapter its title, and from which much illumination and mysticism
arise in Islam. Proof of God follows (VI). The end concerns etiquette and protocol
in connection with public business, as Islamic society began to need rules to live
by and for its own government. Old maids and eating in public are other topics
which are discussed in VIII.