9: Repentance

This chapter contains 129 verses arranged in sixteen sections. They are all from
Madina except for the two final verses which date from the Farewell Pilgrimage
to Mecca (as does Chapter 110 on [Divine] Support). This chapter was revealed
after The Table 5 and the expedition to Tabuk on the road to Damascus which
occurred in A.H. 9 / 630 A.D., or two years before the Prophet's death (VI, XIII).
The alternate title of Dispensation (OR Release) comes from V.I, while the main
one of Repentance (which is preferred by the great commentator Ibo-Kathir) is
to be found in VV. 5,11 and 103. The battle of Hunayn which occurred in the year
8 / 630 is discussed in sections XIII & XIV.
There is no invocation to this chapter since it is really a continuation of the
previous one on Booty 8, and the first verse invokes God's name. It strongly advises
us against associating other deities in our pure worship of God Alone or the sin
of idolatry, as it is called, and against trusting treacherous neighbors. Associators
should not visit mosques(III), while priests and clergy are called unnecessary since
God can be approached directly; likewise God has no son (V). Charity is another
theme which is discussed (VII-VIII), especially its use in missionary effort (VIII).
We also read biographical details about the Prophet's suffering during his
Transfer or the Hijra from Mecca to Yathrib, which was then to be called Madina
(the Enlightened City `-Al-Madina Al- Munawwara-or the Prophets City'`).
We likewise learn about his troubles in imposing a draft or military service,
especially on the rich (VII) and the nomads (XI-XII) which are described in an especially
vivid manner. Dissension had been stirred up by hypocritical agitators and draft
dodgers who went out among the fickle desert folk. The Migrants or refugees
similarly had their troubles in settling down in his new capital of Madina. The ending
is one of the last sections in the whole Qur`an to be revealed.