8: Booty

This chapter contains 75 verses from Madina arranged in ten sections, however V V.
30-36 in Section iv date from Mecca. The chapter was revealed after The Cow 2
and before The House of `Imran 3.
It refers to events surrounding the battle of Badr in the year 2 / 624 this
occurred in hilly country about three days' camel journey from Madina on the
road southwest to Mecca in an action directed against a Meccan caravan financed
by Abu-Sufyan which was returning from Syria. This crisis occurred when 319
Muslims faced nearly one thousand Meccans, and it was decisive in the formation
of the new Islamic state. It is also known as the chapter of the fighting men.
The usual title comes from the problems discussed at the beginning of the
chapter concerning the disposal of the windfalls or spoils acquired in such battles.
God's support is promised in i, iii and VIII. The Prophet is finally assured that
quality will overcome quantity during his trials (IX). The Struggle is described
in the final section (X). Forced migration has been a serious problem from the
beginning of Islam.