4: Women

This long chapter contains 176 verses arranged in twenty-four sections which date
from the fourth year that the Prophet spent in Madina, or 625-6 A. D. It was
revealed after Examining Her 60 and before The Earthquake 99, and it deals
with women's rights and conditions after the battle of Uhud 3 / 625. These concern
marriage laws (I &IV), and how to treat women, as the title itself suggests; in fact,
the word women echoes constantly throughout this chapter.
It also takes up the subject of orphans (I & XIX), especially those girls left
after the battle of Uhud, men's duty in maintaining their own households (VI),
and matrimonial rifts (VI & XIX). Inheritance is also dealt with (I-II, XXIV. Sexual
offenses form a further theme (III), as does etiquette and politeness (XI). The sin
of Association is mentioned several times (VI. VII &XVIII). Conditions for prayer
are stated (VII) and the problem of performing prayers during warfare when they
are probably most needed, is worked out (XV). Manslaughter and murder come
up in XIII. We are told to obey constituted authority (VIII), and to strive to please
God (X). Lackeys or yesmen are described in XX, while the Jews are mentioned
in XXII.