THE CATACLYSM (82) (al-infitar)

Number of Verses: 19

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

When the heavens are rent asunder, (82:1)

the stars are dispersed, (2)

the oceans are merged together, (3)

and the graves are turned inside out, (4) every soul will see the result of its deeds - those recorded before his death and those which will produce either virtue or evil after his death (5).

Human being, what evil has deceived you about your Gracious Lord, (6).

Who created you proportionately and fashioned you (7)

in whatever composition He wanted (8).

Despite this, you deny the Day of Judgment, (9) but you should know that there are angelic guards (10) watching over you (11)

and these honorable scribes know whatever you do (12).

The virtuous ones will live in bliss (13) and the evil-doers will be in hell (14) which they will enter on the Day of Judgment (15)

to burn therein (16). They will never be able to escape from it. Would that you knew what the Day of Judgment is! (17).

Again would that you only knew how terrible it really is! (18).

On that day, no soul will be of any benefit to any other soul. On that day, all affairs will be in the hands of God (19).