Sura An-Nisa' (The Women)

 Introduction to the Sura

 The Virtue of Studying This Sura

 Section 1 - Responsibilities of the Guardians of Orphans

 Section 2 - Law of Inheritance

 Section 3 - Dealing with women

 Section 4 - Women who may be taken in wedlock

 Section 5 - Woman's rights over her proprety

 Section 6 - Disagreement and reconciliation between husband and wife

 Section 7 - Cleanliness External and Internal

 Section 8 - Learning to injustice and evil to be avoided

 Section 9 - Hypocrites refuse to accept the Messenger's judgement

 Section 10 - Believers to be continued

 Section 11 - The Hypocrites' Attitude towards the Believers

 Section 12 - Dealing with Hypocrites

 Section 13 - Murder and its Punishment

 Section 14 - Believers remaining with the enemy

 Section 15 - To cut short prayer while travelling

 Section 16 - Not to side the dishonest

 Section 17 - Secret counsels of the Hypocrites

 Section 18 - Idolatry Prohibited

 Section 19 - Dealings with Orphans and Women

 Section 20 - Equity to everyone - The Jewish Hypocrisy Condemned

 Section 21 - Fate of the Hypocrites

 Section 22 - Violation of the Covenant by the Jews

 Section 23 - The Qur'an testified in the previous heavenly Books

 Section 24 - Messengership of Jesus - Law of Inheritance