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Even if a person realizes that an idea he's proposed is wrong or that his alleged knowledge of a particular subject is actually limited, it's very rare for him to admit that. Having one's mistakes or errors revealed is unacceptable to members of Ignorantism. In any case the important thing is not to arrive at a conclusion or to determine the truth and the facts, but generally to satisfy one's own need for prestige.

Children brought up in such environments acquire such characteristics from an early age. For example, the offspring of a cultured, intellectual, wealthy family, but one far removed from Islam, will generally become the kind of adults who knows it all, undervalue others, and believe themselves constantly in the right and well-informed on every matter. Unless children who assume the appearance of a know-it-all from an early age are given an Islamic education, they will maintain such a character at all times.

Unbalanced Behavior

In the Religion of the Ignorant, the existence of people's eccentricities are seen as interesting and acceptable. While a great many people may actually have quite normal personalities, they engage in unbalanced behavior to obtain prestige and admiration from those around them.

Due to this distorted mindset of Ignorantism, some even risk their own lives to attract attention. Young people in particular put on irrational displays in order to show off their courage and win their friends' admiration. They drive at irrationally high speeds, and try to overtake the car in front, even on dangerous bends. They play "chicken" by driving towards oncoming traffic and pulling over only at the very last moment. Valuing their own lives and those of others at nothing, they want people to say, "He is insanely brave and isn't even afraid of death." The fact is, though, that he engages in such behavior not because he has lost his fear of death, but because he's fallen under the spell of the Religion of the Ignorant. However, if a young person driving at insane speeds actually has an accident, then that madness on his face will be replaced by an expression of terror. He will begin to pray for help and not to be killed. At that instant, Ignorantism will lose all its power and will be replaced by fear of Allah.

Another way to be feared and thus respected is to pretend from time to time to be unable to control one's anger. The most obvious manifestations of this, as required by the Religion of the Ignorant, are punching the wall when annoyed by something, by cutting one's hand by smashing a window, by covering one's face with both hands while waiting to calm down, or immediately resorting to alcohol. Many people even seek prestige by depicting themselves as half mad by making statements such as "I have a nasty temper," or "I have a dark side, but it doesn't always show."

Many sports that pose a risk to human life are also engaged in for the sake of projecting that image. Even though they fear being crippled, physically harmed or even killed, most people have a tendency towards such sports in order to show off to those around them. Thus Ignorantism manages to force a normally rational person to behave abnormally and to acquire a sick personality.

Feigned Incompetence

The Religion of the Ignorant demands an erroneous belief that the wealthy must be physically incompetent. This is based on the logic that wealthy people hire others to do physical work that involves expending energy. They don't prepare their own meals, for instance, but hire cooks. They do not clean their own homes, but hire staff to do the job.

They do not darn their own torn clothes, nor expend any energy on picking up the pieces up when something breaks on the floor. They give the address to their driver whenever they want to go anywhere and expect him to find the way. They have shops deliver goods to their home rather than go shopping in person. They call a private doctor to visit them at home when they are unwell, and have no idea of the hospital procedures. If their cars break down, have a flat tire, they delegate to their hired staff the task of putting matters right. These attitudes are all peculiar to the rich. These people have grown accustomed to support from others, and never feel the need to acquire any skills themselves.

This mentality leads many perfectly competent people to feign helplessness in order show off by giving the impression of great wealth. For that reason, giving the impression that one has never developed any abilities is particularly prevalent among women. That is the logic behind a young girl telling her friends, "I can't even boil an egg. I can't remember ever going into the kitchen to make something to eat. I've never sewn anything or even threaded a needle," though she knows how to do these things perfectly well. Such people seek to give the impression of being accustomed to having others do everything for them.

Being Difficult to Please

Why does someone dislike an object and regard it as worthless? Someone living in a mansion, for instance, may not like an apartment and may criticize the décor. Yet an apartment block will seem like a palace for anyone who lives in a hovel, under much worse conditions.

Why does a person not admire someone else's intelligence? Because he believes himself to be far more intelligent. Why does a person not enjoy someone else's ideas? Because he has much better ones. Why does a person not value someone else's profession? Because he imagines that he possesses far greater abilities. Not liking things, therefore, generally means that one possesses a better version of them.

Therefore, those who wish to give the impression that they possess the best of everything never much care for anything. Even if they do like something, they never admit it and always try to find some fault to criticize. For example, someone who accompanies friends to a high-class restaurant will always look for something wrong with the food, or the décor, or the behavior of the waiters, even though he has never been to such a high-class restaurant all his life. He will imply that he's eaten in far superior places by offering such criticisms as "I didn't think the food was all that good. The view was very poor, and how did they do such decoration? It was distressing."

Whenever young girls see a more attractive rival, they always look for flaws to emphasize their own superiority. A girl who admires her own hair, if she sees someone with even prettier hair, will make criticisms like "Look at her hair, that style really doesn't suit her, and it looks a bit thin." When a tall girl sees another prettier, but slightly shorter girl, she will immediately seek to belittle her by saying how short she is and how her legs are stumpy.

Due to that mistaken mindset in Ignorantism, you'll never hear anyone praising anyone whom they perceive to be superior, more intelligent, attractive or talented. It is next to impossible to see a newspaper commentator praising other newsmen of roughly the same age, praising them as more intelligent, or saying that their analyses are more accurate than his own. It's equally rare for any artist to esteem another artist whom he regards as enjoying the same standing, or to admit that the other artist is more beautiful and talented. Rather, one generally sees fierce criticism raging between such people. For instance, one psychologist will not like the methods employed by another. A dietician will criticize the methods used by another dietician, and a television presenter will always find something to criticize in his rivals.


Speech helps people express their thoughts and emotions, their wishes and desires, and establish wide-ranging communication with others. In the Religion of the Ignorant, however, speech has become a means whereby the distorted mindset of that religion is revealed to the outside world. When they speak, adherents of Ignorantism reveal all their complexes, personality defects, psychological problems and mental flaws. By means of speech as well as by behavior, most try to give the impression that they are different than what they really are and that they are superior. In this section, we shall consider the speech of adherents of the Religion of the Ignorant in terms of style, content, attitude, and other characteristics.

Artificial and Insincere Speech

Ignorantism is a religion of patterns. So long as people implement these patterns, they are popular and appreciated within society. Patterns of speech occupy an important place in human relations, particularly within this religion. Speech in the Religion of the Ignorant takes place by the most appropriate patterns being selected and used in accordance with prevailing circumstances. Whether the individuals actually mean the words they utter is not relevant at all. Since there is a great difference between what they feel and what they communicate to the outside, members of Ignorantism fit the definition of hypocrites. Although hypocrisy is a source of deep shame for any normal person, those who live according to the Religion of the Ignorant are unaware even that they have fallen into a shameful position.

In Ignorantism, people learn to give the appearance of loving when they actually hate, of being uncaring when they actually love, of being sad when such is not so, of rejoicing when this is untrue, of laughing or crying when doing so is insincere, and of being astonished when they really feel no reaction at all. They also do all these things in light of the prevailing circumstances.

Since the people around them also possess the same mindsets, they see nothing amiss with falsity and insincerity, and regard them as natural. When their turn comes, they don't hesitate to display the same insincerity and false character. Various forms of insincere speech include:

Adopting an exaggerated style to attract greater attention when describing events,

Portraying something banal as something important, and something important as if it were banal,

Making it clear that one knows foreign languages by sprinkling one's speech with foreign words, even when perfectly adequate equivalents in the mother tongue are available,

Behaving as though one had considerable knowledge of the subject being discussed even though one has little actual familiarity with it, and adding something one may have heard about the subject to give the impression that one enjoys a wide mastery,

Displaying artificial and exaggerated reactions even though one is utterly unaffected by the subject under discussion, and uttering words that indicate condemnation, sorrow, agreement or support, even though one actually feels none of these. An example would be using parrot cries like, "I don't believe it!" or "I'm flabbergasted," even though one is not the least bit surprised.

Most of this is not sincerely felt. In fact, the listeners are usually well aware that these words are all false. What matters, however, is for these patterns to be used expertly. Insincerity and hypocrisy have become so normal in the Religion of the Ignorant that even if someone does speak honestly and appears sincere, that is referred to as something extraordinary. In circles that live by Ignorantism, people succeed in society to the extent to which they succeed in hypocrisy. Looking at a great many who have come to be admired in society, you can see their expertise at implementing these rules. Men use insincere speech as a means to further their business careers, and women as a means of showing off among family and acquaintances. Their husbands' positions, how their children are doing at school, their wealth, social relations and activities are all duly exaggerated out of all proportion. The following are examples of insincere speech:

Forced laughter at another person's jokes, because it would seem bold not to, or to play up to that person or to curry an advantage from him, even though one actually finds nothing funny at all; adopting an exaggeratedly arrogant style when angered, and using one's tone of voice to make that irritation apparent.

Hollow and Pointless Speech

In the Religion of the Ignorant, the most distinguishing feature of speech is its hollow, pointless nature. Speaking just for the sake of hearing one's own voice or for absolutely no reason at all has become a habit. Clichéd subjects that cannot possibly lead to any conclusion represent the basis of such conversations, whose subject matter is generally very wide-ranging. Having a chitchat, as it's termed, represents an important part of daily life in Ignorantism. Such conversations usually open using the same, tired formulae, such as "Nowhere else in the world would . . ." or "No other country would ever . . ." or "In the last 24 hours . . ." Then the discourse is enlarged on and expanded by saying, "If I were to rule," "We will never get anywhere," or "I taught them all they know." One of the most popular kinds of speech is aimed at familiar or unfamiliar ideas on all kinds of subjects. Talk of this kind never leads anywhere, and even if it does, never brings any benefit. It generally stems from a desire to give the impression that one possesses ideas, thoughts and thorough analyses.

Fruitless and Unwise Speech

In the Religion of the Ignorant, even subjects that need to be briefly discussed are made complex and irresolvable. Problems that could have been solved in a short time are prolonged for hours. Conversations turn into mutually entrenched positions, stubbornness and personality displays. Business conferences and residency meetings all stage such scenes. Lack of wisdom pervades at all times. It is impossible to express subjects in an intelligent, wise and rational form, because wisdom is a superior attribute that Allah gives only to those of His servants He selects. One verse of the Qur'an reveals that:

He gives wisdom to whoever He wills and he who has been given wisdom has been given great good. But no one pays heed but people of intelligence. (Surat al-Baqara, 269)

Adherents of Ignorantism who lack the reason and wisdom revealed in the Qur'an are unable to explain in minutes, or even hours, a subject that could be summed up in a few sentences. Sometimes they prolong a subject capable of a very swift summary for several minutes, thus enjoying the full flavor of it. On television chat shows, problems that could be dismissed very quickly are debated for hours, with no definite conclusions ever reached. The following is revealed on this subject in the Qur'an:

But there are some people who trade in distracting tales to misguide people from Allah's way knowing nothing about it and to make a mockery of it. Such people will have a humiliating punishment. (Surah Luqman, 6)

In the Religion of the Ignorant, many words are spoken without ever touching on the essence of any subject. Although people speak a lot, they never actually say anything. They make even the simplest subjects very complex by unnecessary verbiage and meaningless connections. They seek to attract attention, to demonstrate the importance of their thoughts and ideas, and to demonstrate their knowledge or culture. Their own personality is raised on even vital issues, while the issue at hand is relegated to the background. To a considerable extent, features described in the Qur'an with the following verse manifest themselves in the speech in the religion of the ignorant:

Know that the life of this world is merely a game and a diversion and ostentation and a cause of boasting among yourselves and trying to outdo one another in wealth and children... (Surat al-Hadid, 20)

To the above we might also add: everybody speaking at the same time, interrupting others, abandoning a subject halfway and turning to another that one considers to be more important, and involving oneself in every subject, appropriately or not, and whether or not one has any knowledge of it.

Thoughtless Speech

In the Religion of the Ignorant, thoughtlessness frequently manifests itself in conversation. Continuing speaking, unaware that the subject under discussion is of no interest for the listeners, forgetting what one has said and repeating it all over again, describing things that everyone knows as if they were terribly original, and prolonging matters even though everyone's time is limited are the most obvious examples of such thoughtlessness. Inappropriate and unfunny witticisms also reveal speech that's even more lacking in wisdom.

Tactlessness is one form of thoughtless speech. Uttering words that can easily be misunderstood, failing to grasp their implication and committing gaffes as one talks all fall into this category. Although there may generally be no deliberate intention to belittle or mock, offending others by words thoughtlessly uttered is a form of behavior peculiar to Ignorantism. Needlessly bringing up various material or physical flaws of people present, or failing to bear these deficiencies or handicaps in mind, may well offend those individuals. For example, bringing up such inappropriate matters as baldness, short stature, or lack of financial means in the presence of people suffering these afflictions, or making humiliating jokes about them, typify the thoughtlessness particular to the Religion of the Ignorant.

Disrespectful and Mocking Speech

Adopting a stubbornly insistent, argumentative style is another hallmark of Ignorantism. Raising one's voice is a method employed to dominate others and impose one's views on them.

Refusing to address people present, employing such terms as "him over there," addressing a person without looking at him, and interrupting are all ways of belittling the other party. Failing to answer or ignoring questions by pretending one has not heard, in order to give oneself a serious air is another means. Deliberately making someone repeat something one has heard perfectly well, pretending to misunderstand, and starting up a conversation with another person when someone else is speaking, making it clear that one is not listening to them, are other examples of being disrespectful. Mocking speech includes making it clear that one is not interested in what someone else is saying, or despises it by adopting an authoritarian tone.

Speaking on the Telephone

Using a tone or style different from the one usually employed is another feature of the Religion of the Ignorant. Pronouncing "Hello" in different insincere ways according to one's status at the time—such as adopting an ultra-serious tone of voice if one enjoys high rank—is one such example.

Other behaviors to be encountered in Ignorantism when speaking on the telephone include finding the courage to say things that one would hesitate to say in person; sitting anxiously by the phone when waiting for a call from a person one is hoping to benefit from, yet at other times only answering after letting the phone ring for a long time.

Sending silent messages to onlookers by rolling one's eyes when speaking with someone, using artificial terminology to introduce oneself, slamming down the receiver to make it plain that one is angry, making insincere compliments to the other party and then disparaging or mocking them after hanging up are also peculiar to the Religion of the Ignorant.

Backbiting and Gossip

Surat al-Qalam, verses 10-13, describes the banal and vulgar behavior displayed by members of Ignorantism:

But do not obey any vile swearer of oaths, any backbiter, slandermonger, impeder of good, evil aggressor, gross, coarse and furthermore, despicable. (Surat al-Qalam, 10-13)

The words backbiter and slandermonger indicate a form of behavior frequently encountered in the Religion of the Ignorant. Adherents of the religion treat people well to their face, and then criticize them behind their backs. Nobody takes any interest in improving people's deficiencies or mistaken ideas. In fact, any need to enlighten others is seldom felt. Any kind of mistake becomes the butt of mockery or gossip.

Gossip, literally a source of entertainment in Ignorantism, occupies an important place in social life. Although one would expect this poor character trait to be criticized and rejected, it is in fact encouraged in society. The Qur'an's message on this subject is as follows:

You who believe! Avoid most suspicion. Indeed some suspicion is a crime. And do not spy and do not backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat his brother's dead flesh? No, you would hate it. And fear Allah. Allah is Ever-Returning, Most Merciful. (Surat al-Hujurat, 12)


Another common behavioral defect in the Religion of the Ignorant, mockery is openly forbidden in the Qur'an, and it is revealed in one verse just how much it is to be avoided: "Woe to every scorner and mocker" (Surat al-Humaza, 1).

In Ignorantism, on the other hand, no rule prevents anyone from mocking and belittling another at the first opportunity. On the contrary, lining up alongside the mocking one is a much more attractive proposition. We may cite the following examples:

Mocking certain people by rolling one's eyes when one is in the company of people one knows well,

Bringing up people's errors, faults and flaws with the intention of disparaging them and subjecting them to ridicule,

Mocking people's physical features, and by referring to their deficiencies or weaknesses sarcastically in terms of enormous praise.

Additionally, disparaging people by means of jokes and barbed comments, or giving them cruel nicknames, belittling people with looks and gestures, imitating them in a manner designed to humiliate them, seeking to put down someone else by means of the style, tone of voice and words one selects, smiling at others in such a way as to draw attention to a flaw in the way they are speaking, and whispering about people so that they cannot hear are all behaviors often displayed in the Religion of the Ignorant.

Other features of Ignorantism are group mockery of a person who makes clumsy mistakes, teasing those known for their innocence or good intentions, looking for something to laugh at in every word uttered, and embarrassing others whom one dislikes or wishes to demean by embracing them in public. The fact is, however, that such behavior is strongly condemned and forbidden in the Qur'an:

You who believe! People should not ridicule others who may be better than themselves; nor should any women ridicule other women who may be better than themselves. And do not find fault with one another or insult each other with derogatory nicknames. How evil it is to have a name for evil conduct after coming to faith! Those people who do not turn from it are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Hujurat, 11)


One fundamental element of the Religion of the Ignorant is the appearance of indifference. In this superstitious religion, indifference is employed to suggest intelligence, ability and personal superiority. It is believed that indifference is the way to give the impression of being someone very special, with a far superior character to anyone else. Indifferent attitudes are therefore prevalent, especially among the young.

Consider the most popular boys or girls in high school. You'll seldom see modest, loving, respectful and sincere behavior in such individuals. Behavioral traits of that kind, the most important features of proper moral values, are regarded as demeaning in Ignorantism. In order to be popular among members of this religion, one should be as arrogant and indifferent as possible. Greeting nobody, but being the one always greeted by others is of the greatest importance in this regard, as is being the person who is shown affection rather than showing it oneself. Such people appear to take no interest in one's surroundings, distancing themselves from anyone who displays a sincere attitude, and are close to only a few favored friends.

A second aspect to indifference manifests itself in the logic of "Don't worry about it," or "That's the way we do things," which in turn pervades the society of the ignorant. Ignorantism regards keeping one's cool in the face of danger as a virtue. That is why so many people among them die, are crippled or fall ill. One example of this indifference is the way that someone will say, "Don't worry about it, we are not afraid of such things" instead of repairing an electrical cord so worn that it represents a fire hazard. Or the way that residents of an apartment block brush aside a possible danger by saying, "Don't worry about it, this is a strong building nothing will happen" when the plumbing needs fixing. Indeed, most people skip going to the doctor for years under the logic that "I'm as strong as an ox, nothing will happen to me," and feel no need to receive any treatment for their illnesses. Due to this indifference in the Religion of the Ignorant, a very high number of people live for years unaware of the tumors or viruses in their bodies, and are already at death's door by the time these are finally diagnosed.

Another danger indifference brings is the possibility of causing harm to others. Some, for example, will leave a 3-year-old child alone at home, with the idea that nothing will happen. Often people return home to find their children seriously injured from playing with the gas or electricity, or killed by eating medicines or falling out a window. Reports of this kind appear every day in the newspapers. However, at this point the indifference of Ignorantism reveals itself. Reading such reports, people fondly believe that such things could never happen to them, and so carry on in just the same way as before.

Indifference is so prevalent in the society of the ignorant that people are always telling one another not to worry, that nothing untoward will happen. Indeed, thanks to that religion's distorted mindset, people are embarrassed to take precautions in the face of any danger, or even to suggest that others do so. For instance, it's very difficult for workers in a plant with no sprinkler system to suggest that the necessary apparatus be brought in, or to request that the elevator be modernized. In all likelihood, others at that plant will treat those making such requests as cowardly. In fact, though, the consequences of indifference resulting from the "show everyone what you are made of" mindset are generally harmful to the individuals involved.

One very important point to emphasize is that of course, excessive panic or sudden loss of control are undesirable forms of behavior in the face of danger. In the Qur'an, Allah commands people to be submissive, to place their trust in and rely on Him when facing times of danger. Some verses on this subject read:

The believers are those whose hearts tremble when Allah is mentioned, whose faith is increased when His signs are recited to them, and who put their trust in their Lord. (Surat al-Anfal, 2)

Say: "Nothing can happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Master. It is in Allah that the believers should put their trust." (Surat at-Tawba, 51)

... Whoever puts his trust in Allah—He will be enough for him. Allah always achieves His aim. Allah has appointed a measure for all things. (Surat at-Talaq, 3)

He [Ya'qub] said, "My sons! You must not enter through a single gate. Go in through different gates. But I cannot save you from Allah at all, for judgment comes from no one but Allah. In Him I put my trust, and let all those who put their trust, put it in Him alone." (Surah Yusuf, 67)

As can be seen in the above verses, the Prophet Ya'qub (as) advises his children to be submissive, but also reminds them to take precautionary measures in what they do. That is the behavior required of a sincere Muslim. Neither the indifference required by the Religion of the Ignorant nor lack of submission—which Allah has revealed to be displeasing to Him—are proper forms of behavior. People must use their intelligence and take precautions against any perceived threat, and must also submit to our Lord in the knowledge that no danger can be overcome unless He so wishes.


Ignorantism brings with it an exceedingly ruthless and inhumane attitude, such that the great majority are exceedingly thoughtless and lack compassion for those around them. For that reason, people become depressed, offended, and upset many times each day. Because of the cruelty of the Religion of the Ignorant, their lives are full of tension, distress and suffering. Even people known for being extroverted and joyful spend hours weeping when they go to bed. They suffer enormous pain, because Ignorantism completely dominates society in general and it is exceedingly difficult for adherents to put up with the behavior and gestures that this religion brings with it, even if they do exactly the same themselves.

Consider, for example, someone whose financial situation compels him to wear the same clothes to work every day. That causes him considerable distress, because other people will inevitably talk, attach little value to him, and mock him with thoughtless comments along the lines of "Haven't you anything else to wear?"

It is most troubling to know that in a workplace, school, or anywhere within a community are people who talk behind others' backs. People inevitably come to hear what has been said about them and feel great distress as a result.

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