In answers they give, they're careful to hide any love or respect toward others; they even seem to want to create the opposite impression. By expressing any love or respect, they would create a friendly atmosphere, and would lack the raw material for creating a situation of emotionality and so, would lose their ability to cry.

They are careful to make their tone of voice sad, as soft as possible, monotonous. From time to time, they raise their voice to suggest that something unwelcome has taken place, without saying so specifically. They intend this tone of voice to lay the groundwork for a bout of crying.

They have a hidden sadness and an introverted


No one wants to hurt himself or find himself in situations that leave him sad and pessimistic. But satan approaches to persons of weak character when their lower selves feel helpless. He infects them with one of the sickest aspects of the human ego—the psychology of being unjustly treated. He instills this logic and draws people into a tense, emotional state of mind with groundless but persuasive examples from the past—all the product of satanic interpretation and constant negative thinking. Satan covers these people like the bark of a tree, and soon they fall under the influence of his every whisper. They believe they can protect their rights with the ideas that satan instills in them. They find all his ideas logical. The Qur'an tells us about the methods satan uses to influence people with weak characters:

We have assigned close comrades to them who have made what is before them and behind them seem good to them... (Surah Fussilat: 25)

Having arrived at this stage, a person feels no hesitation in crying or letting himself become introverted. He begins to enjoy giving the impression of a melancholic, secret, inscrutable soul. A person influenced by satanic thoughts is attracted by the idea of being noticed; to this goal, he assumes a spiritual state that anyone of sound mind would avoid at all costs. For such a person to change, someone else would have to take an interest in him. To get such a person to open up, in order to understand his behavior, one would need to take more effort than is needed with other people. Being one in whom others take an interest will thus placate his ego—and prolong the game.

However, this is entirely a frightening situation that one falls under satan's incitement. Anyone of sound mind would never choose to live in such a state of mind of his own free will. Allah tells us that there will be no fear or sadness for those who believe and obey the commands of the Qur'an:

We said, "Go down from it, every one of you! Then when guidance comes to you from Me, those who follow My guidance will feel no fear and will know no sorrow." (Surat al-Baqara: 38)


Hidden methods of crying of those under satan's


Satan teaches people to use emotionality as a means of being insincere, and shows them all the intricacies and secret methods in this regard. As seen earlier, emotionality gives expression to many kinds of behavioral aberrations. Crying is one of the most familiar, but satan teaches people other methods of secret crying to make others feel sorry for them. Those who use the negative state of mind they experience to send messages to people around them behave very carefully, since in their view, every one of these insincere methods has a different effect. They do not want to use all these ploys at once; but want to use each one in the best way to further their insidious plans. So they regard crying as their final ploy, and use the different stages that precede crying as preparatory maneuvers.

A person with trembling voice and various tearful facial expressions is actually letting others know, through satan's secret language, that danger is imminent. After a few more words, this first stage—with a trembling, lowered tone of voice that will later become the weeping voice, and controlled trembling of the lip—will be played out successfully. By these means, he sends out the message that unless others step back and agree that this person is in the right, a bout of weeping will shortly ensue. His purpose is to get everything he wants, have his lower self placated, to be acknowledged as right and have others acknowledge themselves in the wrong. According to their satanic logic, he must prove this with ample examples that he's been treated unjustly and not given his due. He must be praised and have it acknowledged—even if no one believes it—that his crying has proven what a good and innocent person he is. Only then the bout of weeping may be prevented.

However, anyone with faith knows immediately that all this is an insidious game played by a person of superficial thinking who's not aware that Allah knows everything. The believer will remind this person that his lower self is playing a very unseemly game that will humiliate him. In order to stem the bout of crying right at the beginning, the believer will try to make the person aware of what he is doing and warn him with verses from the Qur'an. The same person will ask why the person began to weep and make him state with his own words the reasons for his insincerity. The believer will affirm that the bout of crying did not make this person appear innocent; but was rather a humiliating display of weakness befitting people who do not put their trust in Allah. A person who knows what he is doing and does not surrender his behavior despite these warnings will be held accountable in Allah's presence for continuing in this way.

Someone who doesn't get what he wants with a quivering voice and tearful expression may resort to a second ploy, making it appear that he is about to weep. At this stage, his eyes start to assume a moist and uncomprehending expression that suggests he is about to cry. He looks more deeply at the other person trying to influence him. Now, his voice is almost completely inaudible. To convince others know that the last stage is very near, he answers with halting, uncomprehending and trembling words, to emphasize his helplessness as much as he can. This person expects to make others feel sorry for him and carries on his uncompromising satanic quest for compassion. He intensifies the situation with emotional looks and halting speech. His voice is thin, and he emphasizes his helplessness with pitiful facial expressions.

However, it is never fitting or acceptable for a Muslim to be helpless or without recourse. Under every circumstance, he draws his strength and security from Allah; he is at all times wise and able to solve his problems. No obstacle will daunt him. He knows that Allah has created everything with its solution and behaves with the strength of character that his faith gives him. The Qur'an tells us that a person who trusts in Allah will overcome every obstacle by Allah's will:

Do not give up and do not be downhearted. You shall be uppermost if you believe. (Surah Al 'Imran: 139)

People lacking this spiritual strength that sincere faith gives are always uncertain, without willpower. They give their attention only to their insincere goals. They employ their secret methods of tears (quivering voice and sorrowful expressions)to attain their goal. But when they see that their intended messages have been ineffective, the only one thing left to do according to their warped way of thinking is to cry.

When none of these preparatory stages achieves the desired end, they quickly put this final stage into action. The voice stops completely, there is no talking. If they don't get what they want, they cry excessively and if they sense that they won't get what they want, they cry even more.

In order to be acknowledged as right, these people don't hesitate to humiliate themselves and risk appearing almost inhuman. In the Qur'an, Allah says that such people who listen to their lower selves in their desire to be right in others' eyes will, contrary to their intentions, be humiliated:

If We had wanted to, We would have raised him up by them. But he gravitated towards the Earth and pursued his whims and base desires. His metaphor is that of a dog: if you chase it away, it lolls out its tongue and pants, and if you leave it alone, it lolls out its tongue and pants. That is the metaphor of those who deny Our signs. So tell the story so that hopefully they will reflect. (Surat al-A'raf: 176)

By crying, those who make friends with satan are doing something very insidious. One of the major proofs is that any time they like, these people can abandon this tearful character and show a different kind of face. When with others who share the same kind of character, they are extremely lively and talkative. They have no trouble being open; they look natural and speak in an ordinary way. Actually, their mental state is not tearful at all. On the contrary, they are smiling, joyful, at ease and extroverted. In the Qur'an, Allah describes the state of these people:

Those who did evil used to laugh at those who believed. When they passed by them, they would wink at one another. When they returned to their families, they would make a joke of them. (Surat al-Mutaffifin: 29-31)

Those Who Use Emotionality As A Method Of

Aggression Fall Into Their Own Trap

From this chapter, we see that the behavioral aberration emotionality engenders is yet another of satan's deceptive methods. And those who behave in this way under satan's influence eventually fall into their own trap. In the Qur'an, Allah draws our attention to this important truth:

... Shown by their arrogance in the land and evil plotting. But evil plotting envelops only those who do it... (Surah Fatir: 43)

Satan starts to make this emotional state rule the entire life of a person under his control. It is no longer a tactic; these people experience emotionality as a permanent spiritual state and open themselves every moment to satan's insincerity and wickedness. More importantly, emotional thinking is completely contrary to the morality of the Qur'an; gradually these people grow farther and farther removed from true faith and the kind of morality that is pleasing to Allah. The weepy state that they chose earlier as a tactic now occupies a major part of their lives. They regard everything that happens, every word they hear, from an emotional point of view; and as a result, are often overcome by sadness and become introverted. In the Qur'an, Allah says that crying takes possession of a person's life as a punishment for the wicked things he has done and for the insidious plans he has made:

Let them laugh little and weep much, in repayment for what they have earned. (Surat at-Tawba: 82)

Crying is not regarded by people as a punishment; but is actually a perfect recompense for those who do not trust in Allah and do insidious things to protect their lower selves. Above all, one given to crying is not happy; he is extremely pessimistic. Being encompassed by despair, his mind is clouded. He cannot distinguish between right and wrong and persists in this state of mind, though knowing that it does him harm. As a recompense, Allah has made his life sad and full of grief. The finest blessings in the world are not enough to make him happy; he cannot take joy from beautiful things; but can think only about his own problems and his own pain. The solution to his problems is actually very simple, but he suffers deeply in believing that they will never end. Such a person realizes that he is following satan, that satan is his enemy and that he will harm him and draw him into the flames of Hell. But he cannot find in himself the strength to oppose him. He has submitted his whole power of his will to him.

It is actually within this person's power to bring all this to an end any time he wants. But because he has not made the Qur'an his guide, he cannot follow the way that Allah reveals in it. Therefore, he cannot find a way out of his predicament. He knows that if he continues in this immorality, a very difficult life awaits him in the world to come, that his misery and grief will be impossible to reverse and that he will experience great sorrow for not opposing satan. But despite all the warnings of his conscience, he does not fear Allah enough and cannot find the strength to rescue himself from his spiritual state.

If he does not choose to be sincere and give up pandering to his lower self, he won't attain the kind of moral life that pleases Allah. For the sake of his lower self, the rebelliousness he displays will lead him into physical and spiritual ruin. There are various signs of this ruin. First, his crying tactics will take over his personality; he will become unbalanced and weep over everything. He will always be pessimistic, negative and discontent; fearful and sad as he waits for every day to bring him new sorrows. As long as he resists changing his life according to the morality revealed in the Qur'an, the dimensions of his ruin may increase still further.

However, it is very easy to escape from this situation. Allah reveals in the Qur'an that, if anyone takes the advice given, He will lead him on the true path toward what is good for him:

... But if they had done what they were urged to do, it would have been better for them and far more strengthening. In that case We would have given them an immense reward from Us and We would have guided them on a straight path. (Surat an-Nisa': 66-68)



Satan's silent and insidious language can manifest itself sometimes as innocent, sometimes as extremely negative, insensitive, cold, distant, despairing, untrusting, peevish and arrogant. But one of the most distinctive ways in which the satanic character emerges is in claims of being unjustly treated. Satan was the first to make this claim. The Qur'an tells us that he disobeyed Allah's command with the idea that he was being unjustly treated. Satan's situation is described in these words:

We created you and then formed you and then We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam," and they prostrated—except for Diabolis. He was not among those who prostrated. He said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you to?" He replied, "I am better than him. You created me from fire and You created him from clay." He said, "Descend from Heaven. It is not for you to be arrogant in it. So get out! You are one of the abased." (Surat al-A'raf: 11-13)

Satan refused to obey Allah's command to prostrate himself before Adam (as) claiming that he was superior to Adam (as):

... He said, “I will not prostrate to a human being whom You have created out of dried clay formed from fetid black mud.” (Surat al-Hijr: 33)

Satan made a distorted judgment and rebelled, thinking that he had been treated unjustly. (Surely God is beyond that!) According to his own distorted criteria, the fire from which he was created was much superior to the mud from which Adam (as) was created. He did not think it becoming for one created with such excellence to prostrate himself before a human being. He grew arrogant in this perverse and rebellious morality and did not obey Allah's command. The Qur'an tells us that his perverse way of thinking stemming from arrogance drew satan into rebellion:

We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam!" and they prostrated, with the exception of Diabolis. He refused and was arrogant and was one of the unbelievers. (Surat al-Baqara: 34)

This shows clearly how this psychology of being treated unjustly produces very dangerous thinking. It does not fit in with religious morality; this way of thinking that makes people rebel against Allah, reject religion and finally draw them into the flames of Hell.

This behavioral aberration manifests itself in various ways. Satan so deeply engrains in some people this idea of being treated unjustly that they rebel against Allah and lapse into denying His existence. Others do believe in Allah, His infinite justice and that He has created everything for a good purpose, but their faith is weak. Satan approaches such people in a much more insidious way. He teaches them methods to deceive themselves into believing that all these thoughts actually come from their own good intentions and their desire to be better people. Satan persuaded also himself with the same methods. The Qur'an tells us that during the time given to him in this earthly life, satan calls all human beings to deny Allah and finally in the next world, will say that he fears Him:

They are like satan when he says to a human being, "Disbelieve," and then when he disbelieves, says, "I wash my hands of you. Truly I fear Allah, the Lord of all the worlds." (Surat al-Hashr: 16)

This information given in the Qur'an shows that satan still thinks of himself as one who fears Allah, despite his many endeavors against religion and the fact that he was driven from the Garden cursed and resented. All the games that satan plays with people are based on this way of thinking. These people claim that they fear and respect Allah and are true Muslims with sincere intentions; but thinking that they have been treated unjustly, they try to cast doubt on Allah's justice. Sometimes this idea continues to grow inside them, drawing them into total denial of His existence. Despite this, still they claim that they're on the right path. But in the Qur'an, Allah defines the way they really look at things and their moral make-up:

... They have brought injustice and falsehood. (Surat al-Furqan: 4)

In the following pages, we will consider the psychology of being treated unjustly that satan has taught these people and the sick way of thinking that gives it expression. But first, we can show that these claims are groundless with verses from the Qur'an.

Allah will not permit people to suffer even as

much injustice as a tiny fiber in a date seed

People who are influenced by satan's intimations although they know about faith and believe they are being treated unjustly would see the contradiction in satan's stratagem if they think about this with an open mind only for a few minutes. That is because, it is unlikely that a person fears Allah and at the same time believes he is treated unjustly. To fear Allah means to have deep love for Him, and an intimate relationship with Him and faithfulness. Such a person knows all the sublime names of Allah and, no matter what happens, he knows that Allah has created everything for the best purpose; and knows, too, that He will give him the most just and merciful recompense.

He is certain that Allah is the closest and must trustworthy friend any sincere believer could have, that He will always support him with His help, love and kindness. Anyone who grasps these things will never think that he is being treated unjustly. Allah has revealed this truth to humanity in the Qur'an:

Allah does not wrong anyone by so much as the smallest speck... (Surat an-Nisa': 40)

We will set up the Just Balance on the Day of Resurrection and no self will be wronged in any way. Even if it is no more than the weight of a grain of mustard-seed, We will produce it. We are sufficient as a Reckoner. (Surat al-Anbiya': 47)

... You will not be wronged by so much as "the smallest speck." (Surat an-Nisa': 77)

... They will not be wronged by so much as the tiniest speck. (Surat an-Nisa': 124)

Elsewhere in the Qur'an, Allah tells us that those who hold such an idea have sickness and doubt in their hearts:

Is there a sickness in their hearts or do they have misgivings or do they fear that Allah and His Messenger will be unjust to them? No, it is simply that they are wrongdoers. (Surat an-Nur: 50)

All these verses show that people must be heartless to assume such an "unjust" attitude while knowing of Allah's infinite mercy and generosity toward humanity. This is clear slander against Allah, and anyone who behaves in such a way, knowing the moral teachings of the Qur'an, will be held greatly accountable in the world to come. Indeed, satan will also receive great return for his unseemly daring. In the Qur'an, Allah tells us of the reward satan received because he thought he had been treated unjustly and rebelled:

He said, "Get out of it, reviled and driven out. As for those of them who follow you, I will fill up Hell with every one of you." (Surat al-A'raf: 18)

"My curse is upon you until the Day of Reckoning." (Surah Sâd: 78)

He said, "Descend from Heaven. It is not for you to be arrogant in it. So get out! You are one of the abased." (Surat al-A'raf: 13)

Hidden Insincerity Of Those Who Claim They Have

Been Treated Unjustly

If we look closely at the lives of those whom satan tries to win over, we see that they have spent a large part of their lives in feeling that they've been treated unjustly, and show this attitude in much of their behavior. They have so convinced themselves that this is really so that they interpret everything in light of it. They can feel unjustly treated by the most irrelevant occurrences; they are saddened and find subjects on which to counter-attack. In the Qur'an, Allah draws attention to how these people look at things:

... They imagine every cry to be against them.... (Surat al-Munafiqun: 4)

Most often, people around are not even aware that an individual thinks this way. For this reason, they behave toward him in all sincerity. But one under satan's influence interprets this sincere behavior in a negative way. His interpretations have no relation to reality, yet he convinces himself of their truth and enters a spiritual state that conflicts with the morality of the Qur'an. He does not think that he can live according to Muslim values, unless he considers Allah's existence, the wonderful workings of destiny, that there is a good purpose in everything and that Allah has created this world as a place of testing. He never lets it cross his mind that he'll be held responsible in the world to come for his doubts and lack of trust in Allah and that following satan will draw him into the flames of Hell.

The most important thoughts that occupy him are how right he was in a certain situation and did not receive the recompense he deserved. So obsessed with these ideas is he that the secret anger over not receiving his due and his furious desire to obtain it takes over his whole personality. After this stage, he cannot think rationally about what happened or grasp advice that he acts in an auspicious manner. Insisting on his rights has become a deep obsession for such a person; at every opportunity he finds ways to prove himself deserving. The only thing in his mind, day and night and in everything he does, is to think about the hundreds of ways he has been treated unjustly. He convinces himself so completely with these unfounded ideas that, when he encounters similar behavior or words, what was hidden in his hearts spills out of his mouth.

Allah describes the spiritual state of these people who cooperate with satan:

You who believe! Do not take any outside yourselves as intimates. They will do anything to harm you. They love what causes you distress. Hatred has appeared out of their mouths, but what their breasts hide is far worse. We have made the signs clear to you if you use your intellect. (Surah Al 'Imran: 118)

These people are in a spiritual state far removed from the morality of the Qur'an. But they claim to be totally sincere and well-intentioned. Here are a few instances of the insincerity of their behavior and the silent messages they give to convince others of their claim:

Because they are so confident in themselves,

they do not like others

One of the most powerful traits in those who use the silent language of satan is their satisfaction with themselves. Like satan, they think that they have attained a level of superiority that no one else has, that no one will even reach the level they have attained. They believe that they are most intelligent and know things that no one else does. Under the influence of this perverse idea, they always give advice to other people and show them the right way. This shows that their awareness is hazy and—as is the case with satan—these people want to make themselves seem important by belittling others.

In several places in the Qur'an, Allah tells us that these individuals, because of their idea of their own importance, say that they do not like people with a sincere faith:

In this way We try some of them by means of others so that they say, "Are these the people among us to whom Allah has shown His favor?" ... (Surat al-An'am: 53)

When they are told, 'Believe in the way that the people believe,' they say, "What! Are we to believe in the way that fools believe?" No indeed! They are the fools, but they do not know it. (Surat al-Baqara: 13)

We see from these verses that others have a better moral character than they do. But their constantly growing sense of their own importance prevents them from appreciating this superiority. Satan has taught them both his secret language and to look at others with the intent of finding their faults. For this reason, they can't accept that others are superior to them in intelligence or awareness. They express this jealousy, either in secret or openly. They take every opportunity to find faults in others and exalt themselves, and do not hesitate to use satanic logic or assume a personality in conflict with the moral teachings of the Qur'an.

However, Allah says in the Qur'an that the superiority that individuals have is theirs by His providence.

... We raise the rank of anyone We will. Over everyone with knowledge is a Knower. (Surah Yusuf: 76)

This being the case, always aware that another may be morally superior to himself and have more expansive knowledge, a person must be humble in his manners.

Besides this, believers see what is lacking in one another and inform one another of it, because they believe what Allah has revealed in the Qur'an: He has made them responsible for commanding good, avoiding evil, and calling on others to lead a good moral life. For this reason, believers tell others of their faults so that they can better themselves and become more lovable. Believers want happiness for one another, both in this world and the next.

But these people in question find fault with others and do not want them to atone for their mistakes. Their only goal in telling others their faults is to make themselves seem superior. For the same purpose, they sometimes invent errors or shortcomings in ordinary behavior in an attempt to vaunt their own superiority.

The secret anger in the psychology of being

treated unjustly

When satan was expected to prostrate himself to Adam (as), he grew consumed by anger against human beings and, when he was cursed and driven out of the Garden, that anger turned into great enmity. He then swore to pursue his anger until the Last Day.

Such a secret anger, similar to satan's, can be seen in those individuals who use his insidious language. Those who deny Allah demonstrate anger in their beliefs, lifestyles, and ignorant moral characters. Even though they claim to have faith, they hoard a secret sickness in their hearts. They know that such anger is unjustified because they know from the Qur'an that Allah is just, His mercy is infinite and He is the Protector of humanity. But their lower selves, under satan's influence, constantly incite them to anger. When they cannot stop that anger from erupting, they hide it as much as they can from sincere believers. Some people deliberately project this anger; others keep it inside and convince themselves that somehow, they will overcome it in time. But as long as they do not turn to Allah, this same hidden anger will curdle into an irresistible resentment. It will begin to direct everything they do or think, every decision they make, and then they will be closer to adopting the kind of morality that satan desires. The people against whom they direct their anger are actually people with faith, whom they love and trust and who should be their closest friends.

There's no reason why they should be angry with people who, out of their fear for Allah, lead good moral lives, always stand up for what is right and good, and treat others with love, respect and friendship. When they are able to escape satan's influence even a little, they realize this and blame themselves for their anger. But their lower selves, with its satanic intimations, soothes these pangs of conscience and they deliberately continue with their inconsistent behavior.

Satan provides the reasons for them to be angry with people who believe, despite their many good qualities. These reasons' common feature is their resentment at the ways in which believers call on them to exercise goodness.

We can briefly list some of the basic reasons for the anger of those under satan's influence:

Believers can use the Qur'an to analyze the sick characters of these individuals. Believers uncover the real characters that these people are hiding in everything they do, in their every action and word. So, in order not to give themselves away too much, they conceal themselves and remain hidden. But because believers can perceive their unseemly morality, they grow angry at them.

In spite of their lower selves' intense desire to be right, what Muslims say—with Allah's help— always proves to be true. For this reason, they can never attain the desires of their lower selves, which run contrary to the Qur'an. Believers show that their false ideas and satanic logic are confused, wrong, and ineffective.

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