Áyat ul Mawaddah

The Muslims in Madina comprised of the Ansár (original residents of Madina) and the Muhájirín (migrants from Makka). Once, the Ansár argued that they were superior to the Muhájirín. The Holy Prophet (S) heard their words and addressed them with disapproval of their pride. He reminded them that his presence amongst them was a great blessing for them. The Ansár were ashamed at their conduct, and said, "O Prophet of Alláh, if you command us we will give you everything we own (in repayment)." At this time the following Áyah was revealed:

Say (O Muhammad), "I do not ask any recompense for it (my work as a messenger), except the love of my near relatives (Ahlul Bayt)."

And whosoever earns good, We (Alláh) increase for him good therein.

Verily, Alláh is Most Forgiving, Most Grateful. (ash-Shúrá, 42:23)

When asked who his near relatives were, the Holy Prophet (S) replied that they were `Alí (A), Fátimah (A) and their two sons, Hasan (A) and Husein (A). Thus the love of the Ahlul Bayt (A) is the way a Muslim shows his gratitude to the Holy Prophet (S) for his teachings. To obey him is to obey Alláh as the Holy Qur'án says:

Say (O Muhammad). "If you love Alláh, then follow me,

Alláh will love you and forgive you your sins.

Verily, Alláh is Forgiving, Merciful. (Áli Imrán, 3:31)