بِِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
الْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ وَالصَّلَوةُ وَالسَّلَامُ عَلَى خَيْر خَلْقه مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِهِ الطَّاهِرينْ

This Swahili translation of the Holy Qur'an will be heartily welcorned by Qur'anic scholars in East Africa.

The first Swahili translation was done about a hundred years ago by Canon Godfrey Dale (Zanzibar); it was printed in 1923 in London. Those who had seen it were of the opinion that it was not good. Some Muslirn scholars suspected that Canon had intentionally twisted the translation so that he could use it for attacking the Qur'an. Be it as it may, now it is out of print and is not seen even in big libraries.

That defective translation spurred the Ahmadiyas to translate the Holy Book; it came out in one volume. Its translation was good, but the foot-notes propagated the Ahmadis' belief.

The late Sheikh Abdallah Saleh al-Farsy of Zanzibar translated the Holy Book from general Islamic point of view. In the beginning his translation came out separately of each part; then it was printed complete as a book.

Meanwhile Sheikh al-Amin bin Ali al-Mazrui of Mombasa published his partial translation upto Surah an-Nisa' only.

Thereafter came Sheikh Ali Muhsin al-Barwany's translation. Its language is perfect and it is generally free from any sectarian bias. In fact, it is the translation upto Surah an-Nisa' only.

Thereafter came Sheikh Ali Muhsin al-Barwany's translation. Its language is perfect and it is generally free from any sectarian bias. In fact, it is the translantion of "al-.Muntakhab fi Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Karim, which was prepared by Chuo cha lugha na Tarjamah of the al-Azhar University, Cairo.

It was printed in two volumes (1479 pages) at the expense of the Zayed bin Sultan AI-'Nahayan Foundation of Dubai (U.A.E.) in 1995.

Now Sheikh Ali bin Juma bin Mayunga (Dar-es-Salaam) has prepared this translation in the light of the teachings of the Ahlu 'l-bayt of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and thus has fulfilled the need of those who wish to understand the Holy Book in the view of ahlu 'l-bayt (a.s.)

Thus he has followed the guidance given by the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.a.) when he said:

"I am leaving behind among you two weighty things so long as you will holdfast to them you will not go astray after me, (and they are the Book of Allah and my offspring, i.e. my ahlu 'l-bayt and they will not separate from each other until they come to me at the reservoir (of Kauthar). So be careful how will you follow me regarding these two things". (Mustadrak of al-Hakim, vol. 3, p. 148)

May Allah keep us on the right path and may He raise us among the followers of Muhammad (s.a.w.a) and his ahlu 'I-bayt (a.s.). Amen

وما توفيقي الا بالله عليه توكلت و اليه انيب

Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi


Ahlu'I-Bayt (a.s.) Assembly of Tanzania,

P.O.Box 75215,

Dar-es-Salaam / Tanzania.


بِِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
الْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ وَالصَّلَوةُ وَالسَّلَامُ عَلَى خَيْر خَلْقه مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِهِ الطَّاهِرينْ

Tafsiri hii ya Kiswahili ya Quran Tukufu itapokelewa kwa furaha kubwa na moyo mkunjufu na Wanachuoni wa Quran katika Afrika ya Mashariki. Tafsiri ya kwanza ya Kiswahili iliandikwa yapata miaka mia moja iliyopita na Canon Godfrey Dale (Zanzibar); na ilichapishwa mnamo mwaka 1923 mjini London. Wale walioisoma tafsiri hiyo hawakuiridhia. Baadhi ya Waislamu walifikiria kuwa Canon kwa makusudi aliipinda tafsiri hiyo,ili aitumie kuishambulia Quran. Tafsiri hiyo ilivyo hivi sasa haipo na wala haionekani hata katika maktaba kubwa kubwa.

Tafsiri hiyo mbovu iliwapa hamasa Ahmadiya, kuifasiri Quran Tukufu. Tafsiri hiyo ilikuwa nzuri lakini rejea yake inatetea imani ya Ahmadiya. Baadaye Al-Marhum ash-Sheikh Abdallah Saleh al-Farsy wa Zanzibar, alifasiri Quran Tukufu katika Kiswahili. Awali tafsiri yake ilichapwa kwa vifungu na baadaye ilichapwa pamoja kama Kitabu. Katika muda huu, Sheikh al-Amin bin Ali al-Mazrui wa Mombasa amechapisha sehemu yake ya tafsiri hadi Surah an-Nisa.

Baada ya hapo ilifuatia tafsiri ya Sheikh Ali Muhsin al-Barwany. Lugha yake ni kamilifu na fasihi na tafsiri yake haina mwelekio (mtazamo) wa madhehebu yoyote. Kwa hakika, hii ni tafsiri ya "al Muntakhab fi Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim" iliyotayarishwa na Chuo cha Lugha na Tarjamah cha Chuo Kikuu cha al-Azhar (Cairo)

Tafsiri yake ilichapishwa katika jalada mbili (kurasa 1479) kwa gharama ya Taasisi ya Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nahayan ya Dubai (U.A.E.) mwaka 1995. Sasa Sheikh Ali bin Juma bin Mayunga (Dar-es-Salaam) ameandika tafsiri hii kwa mwongozo wa Ahlu'I - bayt wa Mtukufu Mtume (s.a.w.a.) na hivyo kukidhi matakwa ya wale wanaotaka kukijua Kitabu Kitukufu kwa mtazamo wa Ahlu'I-bayt (a.s.).

Hivyo yeye amefuata mwongozo uliowekwa na Mtukufu Mtume wa Uislamu (s.a.w.a.) pale aliposema:

"Nimekuachieni vizito viwili ambavyo mkishikamana navyo kamwe hamtapotea baada yangu (navyo ni) Kitabu cha Mwenyezi Mungu (Qur'an) na kizazi changu watu wa nyumba yangu, (Ahlu'I-bayt) na havitaachana viwili hivi mpaka vinifikie kwenye hauth, (Kauthar) basi angalieni ni vipi mtakavyonifuata ndani ya viwili hivyo". Mustadrak Al-Hakim juz. 3 uk, 148. Mwenyezi Mungu atuongoze katika njia iliyonyooka (sahihi) na tunamuomba Allah (s.w.t.) atuweke miongoni mwa wafuasi wa Mtume Muhammad(s.a.w.a.) na Ahlu'I-bayt wake (a.s.). Amen

وما توفيقي الا بالله عليه توكلت و اليه انيب

Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi, Mwenye kiti, Ahlu'I - Bayt (a.s.) Assembly of Tanzania P.O. Box 75215, Dar-es-Salaam/'Ianzania  5/6/2002

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful,the AII-Compassion.

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of Universe. Peace and Mercy be upon Mohammad (s.a.w.) the seal of the Prophets. And God bless all his household Who are purified and his distinguished companions.

The pages of this book which are opened to the readers are the results of a big effort shown by the person who stayed up at night and make himself within his big library to study the Holy Qur'an and to check what was produced by the great Muslim Scholars (Peace be upon them) in a quite disposition. His logical demonstration and analyses in every sign which is effective and decis-ive had caused him troublesome from different readers.

This personality is the Prominent Mujaahid Sheikh Ali Juma Mayunga ( May Allah give him tawfiq and be straightened). He who spent all the time to use his pen and make his readers to be in thrilling excitement and interrogation to make obstruction and incursion. Then, they stopped in a fully surrendering to a truth way in which there is no means but to accept according to his references. According to his dedication in the Islamic affairs in his teachings, speeches and writings, he stands steadfast in interpretation of Holy \verses of Qur'an in swahili language.

Number of people in east and central Africa, those who speak swahili within coastal areas and other continents around the world, appeal for Qur'an translation in swahili in a big demand. Our Library lacks such translations to compare with other languages. In high demand, we need the translation like this .

Let alone those already published in swahili are some verses or chapters, and those which have been recorded in audio and video cassettes are not satisfying the readers' need. With exemption of translation by Prominent Scholar Sheikh Al-Amin bin Ali Al-Mazrui of Mombasa, Kenya (May God have mercy on him ), which unfortunately was not completed.

As well, we have audio and video cassettes of our brother and teacher, honourable Sheikh Abdillahi Nassir (May Allah protect and keep him alive to be with us) which keep the listeners aware of his teachings, analyses and the Islamic way of life through Holy Quran and unfold the meaning which kept them in dilema.

Also the Quranic teaching classes of translation in swahili by the eminent Scholars of east Africa ( May God bless and mercy on them ) during the month of Ramadhani and other weekly ocassions, namely Sayyid Muhammad Adnan Al-Ahdal, Sayyid Ali Badawy and Sayyid Hasan Badawy ( May God protect and keep him alive to be with ), Sheikh Suleiman Al- Alawy,

Sayyid Umar Abdallah, Sayyid Ahmad Mansab, Sheikh Muhammad Ayub and many others who were in towns of Zanzibar, Lamu, Mombasa. Tanga and so on (May God bless them all). Unfortunately, their students neither recorded them nor edited those lessons.

In fact there are four complete Swahili translations of Holy Qur'an as 1 know, Namely:

(1)Godfrey Dale, of a British orientalist, Christian and unprincipled person. His aim was to spoil the basic teachings of Islam and to divert swahili Muslims out of their religion.

(2) Ahmadiyyah Qadiyan, the objective is to twist the meaning of Quran and dissipate wrong claims of religious faith and thoughts of Qadiyan which have no any interlacing branches and Islamic prnciples.

(3) Sheikh Abdallah Saleh Al-Farsy (May God Bless him), it was a general answer against Qadiyan translation and to correct their wrong daims. Somehow in some parts the translation has fallen in traps of Ahmadiyyah and of Nawasib by refusing and obstructing of the undeniable truly facts ofthe Islam.

(4) Sheikh Ali Muhsin Al-Barwany (May God protect him). It is the translation of Al-Muntakhab which was written by a group of Egyptians Scholars. They strained the translation to abstain from accusation of alienation to any Islamic denomination. Thus make it as simple as weightless.

Indeed, this translation of Sheikh Ali Juma Mayunga is a valuable one which its pages make a way out to lighten the swahili Libraries. It stimulates the readers who exactly want to make research in understanding deinonstrated verses of Holy Qur'an by following the guidance of the Holy progeny of the Prophet who are Ouran Naatiq. Allah command us to obey and love them. And they are the one of two weights which Prophet (s.a.w.) orders us to be with them. as the protectors of Islainic Umma against going astray.

Due to be in fully exhausted from and failure in this world by Muslims who have humiliated from their exalted state. This is the result of being distant fro from the Qur'an in leaming, understanding and follow up . One of the causes of these is the defective translation of Holy Qur'an for those who took it from the people who are not Naatiqul Qur'an ( The purified Prophet household- a.s.).

Exactly, the Holy Quran verses in itself have no deviation at all.it is the contents of wisdom from the mercy giving Almighty. As narated in Hadith that:

"1t is the big message for you, the good judgement between you, know that it contains knowledge of what is to come about, stories of the past, cure for your ills and regulation for whatever faces you. It's a serious not ajoke, for those who oppressed it, God vanquish them and who fetch for light elsewhere, God will throw them out of his mercy."

In another Hadith :

"Make the Quran speak and will not speak by itself," (i.e. the orators of Quran are theAhlul Bayt- a.s.). If you ask Quran to speak, it won't do so, but they will tell you about it.

This translation depends on the gettable correct teachings from the prophet household's ark which saves those who embark in it. It opens different paths to readers for understanding the Qur'an and be spread over as suitable in every time and place for perseverance, jurisprudence, politics and ethics. It collects a privy purse of education from translations, hadith, fiqh and others, in different deficiencies of freight of Islamic Scholars ( God bless them all) of different sects. The translation does not beg eamestly in a particular thoughts or sects except for some elaboration, cleamess and managing in a right path which turns direct to God. At 1ast the number of pages in the translation takes many references. The translator as a human being is entitled to be wrong or right.

For the sake of all, 1 ask every person who reads this book to be impartial and avoid those nagging and obstinacies which destroy Islam and convert peace to apprehension.

Muslims must be careful from their enemies (i.e. Israel and their friends ). They kill Muslims, destroy their properties, violet their rights, take away their land and chase them out of their homes. They had pursue this united body of Muslims and splited their coherence through their agents who have distorted the basic principles of lslam and bore the wrong interpretation that Qur'an be discarded. Nowadays, the place where Muslims live, there is no any effort to give honour to the Holy Qur'an and any occasional celebration of Prophet who was given Holy revelation from the God. All of these are considered to be obstructed and perforated. That's must be removed.

On one of Hadith says that:

"Be astonished from them (enemies) who are united in their falsehood and from you (Muslims) who are scattered from your truth In fact all Muslims and particular Scholars and missioneries have a crucial responsibilities to join up their ranks and be called each other to the Islamic Unity through holding fast by the covenant of Allah. 1 swear that those responsibilities will not be fulfilled until we cease the division, accept justice and abide with infallable leadership which was proclaimed by Prophet (s.a.w.) and keep as a defence for us against a quarre1. The Prophet (s.a.w.) kept his household leadership with the Holy Qur'an as two weights which are not separated till the day where the Prophet (s.a.w.) will receive them in the Haudh..... Those are Holy Iinams who are purified within the Prophet households (a.s.). The Almighty Allah removed all blemish from them (people of the household) and purify them with a perfect purification.

To conclude 1 do submit my praise and thanks to Sheikh Ali Juma Mayunga for this magnificent work of translation of 'Holy Qur'an. 1 do also pray for him to be granted success and prosperity , for those who read this translation be granted the right guidance to follow the straight path, for every person who offered any kind of help and assistance in this translation to be granted blessings and mercy and for all Muslims to be granted the awareness, unity and victory.

Indeed, He is Grateful and Hearer of prayers. And with non but Allah is the  direction of my affair to a right issue. On Him (alone) do 1 rely, and unto Him (alone) do 1 tum.


With request of Dua..........................

Ahmad Muhammad Al-Khatib of Dar-es-salaam.

In the month of Rabbi-Ul- Aakhar 1423 Hijriyyah, June 2002 Miladia.


In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Mercyful.

All praise due to Allah, Lord of the words, the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

It's abundant favours that the Creator of everything has granted to his servant like me. Alhamdu Lillah.

The pride in this work is one of its kind, which is rarely obtained, and a state which can not be denied. When 1 was approached by Sheikh Ali Juma Mayunga, and asked me to read the manuscrip of his Tafsir (Qur'an Commentry), by Allah 1 was dumbfounded, and if it was not for the sake of Allah, 1 would say otherwise. But 1 found that everything difficult has to be confronted first, then it will be found still difficult or eased down. 1 therefore encouraged myself and said: "Alright, 1 am ready."

Alhamdu Lillah, 1 accept it, and after going through it, 1 found that, our commentator Aalim, Ali Juma Mayunga has shown himself practically, that he intended to give us a valuable gift. Also, he has made it clear that he has something which he knows and which Allah (swt) has favoured him with.

This Tafsir has been given a lot of recommendations educationally, but 1 will mention only three. First, the use of words acceptable to every one, easy to underst'and, eloquence and more concise. Secondly, he has avoided using metaphorical language, and so one does not need to crack his head in finding the inner literary meaning. Thirdly, our Aalim has tried at the best of his ability to remain within the limits of truth on that which Allah(swt).

Has intended tell us, i.e. he has not included anything which is not in the verses he is commenting. This is a great contribution which the Tafsir will give to anyone who will read and receive it, i.e. there is no word from outside the verses of Allah (swt).

This Tafsir is accurate and without any doubt, it is a natural pearl. We thank Allah (swt) Who enable our Aalim, Sheikh Ali Juma Mayunga to remember us, the blindfolded ones. 1 am not saying that it is perfect, no, but to the capacity of what 1 know, 1 think it has all the signs of being a settled and cornplete job.

Moreover, many Tafsir common to us, (except very few) have no references, but in this one, certainly and by Allah, the Sheikh has intended to give to his fellow Muslims a lot in which they understand not properly, or ofwhich they totally don't understand. The Sheikh has taken a great burden, (although to him it is a bearable) but in good intention he has referred to a lot of books, famous and valuable ones, and used them as authenticity

references of what he was commenting on very many Ayas, and pointed out the value of the justice result, trulh and those which are distinct in the traditions and revelation of Ayas to the Prophet (s.a.w.).

It will be to our pride  and to anybody else if he is determined and blessed to get this book - the Tafsir of Holy Qur'an by Sheikh Ali Juma Mayunga. In it, there is best swahili language. Also his explanation contained a lot of truth, and good result spiritually.

This Tafsir is Ihe best as explained above and below:

• Good language

• Soft language

• A language in the moderate

• And lastly, teachers' explanation.

The reader should not doubt when going through this Tafsir, you will be reading the Holy Qur'an in your own language, nor there is no any doubt or perversity of any kind.

1 thank Allah (swt) Who gave me the ability to read and write this preface.

Pcace and blessings be upon the Holy Prophet and his progeny. Insha'Allah, let us be good readers and pray to Allah for the wellbeing of our Mufasir and good health. May Allah prolong his life so that we may benefit more and more f'rom his fountain of knowledge.





Kwa jina la Mwenyeezi Mungu Mwingi wa rehema Mwenye kurehemu.

Kila sifa njema ni ya Mwenyeezi Mungu Bwana wa viumbe, na Rehema za Mwenyeezi Mungu na Amani ziwe juu ya Bwana wetu Muhammad Mwisho wa Manabii, na Mwenye kukamilisha idadi ya Mitume, na ziwe juu ya Aali wake Wazuri waliotwaharishwa, na ziwe juu ya swahaba wake walioteuliwa Amma baad.

Kurasa hizi zilizofunuliwa mbele ya msomaji mtukufu, ni matunda ya jitihada kubwa yanayotokana na mtu ambaye macho yake yamekesha akijifungia ndani ya kuta za maktaba yake kubwa. Akitembeza kwa uangalifu maono yake ndani ya Aya za Quran Tukufu, na katika yale yaliyo andikwa na vidole vya Maulamaa wakubwa, Mwenyezi Mungu awawie radhi, kwa kusherehesha mambo mbalimbali na kwa kufafanua hoja zilizo wazi. Kutoka katika vitabu vya rejea ambavyo alikuwa akivirejea katika kila ishara iliyomthibitikia wakati wa utafiti na kuhakiki.

Huyo ndiye Mheshimiwa ndugu Mujaahid Sheikh Ali Juma Mayunga, Mwenyeezi Mungu ampe Tawfiq na amnyooshee mambo yake. Ambaye mara nyingi kalamu yake imemchongea kwa wasomaji wake na kumsababishia mshangao na kuulizana, mpaka ikafikia kupingwa na kushambuliwa. Kisha wakakoma wakiwa wamehemewa kwenye ukweli ambao hakuna njia nyingine ila hiyo, katika vitabu vya rejea ambavyo amevitegemea.

Isipokuwa yeye sasa, na kama msimamo wake uliotangulia, katika kutumikia mambo ya Uislaamu na Waislaamu kwa mihadhara na kusomesha na kuandika, amesimamia jambo hili tukufu la pekee katika ainayake, katika kutafsiri Aya za Quran Tukufu kwa lugha ya Kiswahili...

Hii ni tunu na ni zawadi kubwa kwetu watu wa maeneo ya Afrika ya Mashariki na Kati, hata na wanaoongea lugha hii ya Kiswahili katika nchi za mwambao, na katika mabara mengine.

Na ni haja kubwa kwetu kuipata Tafsiri kama hii, kwa sababu maktaba zetu zina upungufu sana wa Tafsiri za Quran kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.

Ikilinganishwa na lugha zinginezo, ila zile Tafsiri za Kiswahili zilizochapishwa ambazo ni baadhi za Aya na Sura tu zisizoongeza ujuzi. Na zile Tafsiri zilizorekodiwa kwenye kanda ambazo vilevile ni sehemu tu za Aya na Sura zisizokidhi haja.

Isipokuwa Sheikh Al-Amin bin Ali Al-Mazrui, wa mjini Mombasa, Mwenyeezi Mungu amrehemu, alifanya kazi kubwa ndani ya Tafsiri yake japokuwa haikukamilika.

Na, isipokuwa kanda za Ndugu yetu na Mwalimu wetu Mheshimiwa Sheikh Abdillahi Nassir, Mwenyeezi Mungu amlinde na atubakishie tuwe naye. Na ambazo zimeimarisha akili za wasikilizaji kwa kuhamasisha mafuhumu ya Ouran, kutokana na usomeshaii wake na ufafanuzi wake kwa baadhi ya mambo ambayo yanawashughulisha Waislaamu. Na kutoa ufumbuzi wa matatizo amhayo yanawasumbua...

Na, isipokuwa yale masomo ya kudumu katika mikusanyiko ya Tafsiri ya Quran kwa lugha ya Kiswahili ya kila wiki au katika minasaba ya Ramadhan, na mingineyo ambayo walikuwa wakiitoa mara kwa mara Waalimu wetu Watukufu ambao wema wa Mwenyeezi Mungu umewatangulia, Mwenyeezi Mungu awawie radhi na awarehemu, na atunufaishe kwa haraka zao.

Kwa mfano: Sayyid Muhammad Adinan Al-Ahdal, na Sayyid Ali Badawy, Mwenyeezi Mungu awarehemu. Na Sayyid Hasan Badawy, Mwenyeezi Mungu amlinde na atubakishie tuwe nave. Na Sheikh Suleiman Al-Alawy, na Sayyid UmarAbdallah, na Sayyid Ahmad Mansab, na Sheikh Muhammad Ayub, na wengine wengi katika Lamu na Zanzibar na Mombasa na Tanga na... na... Mwenyeezi Mungu awarehemu. Ila kwa masikitiko makubwa masomo yao hayakurekodiwa katika kanda na hawakushughulikia wanafunzi wao kuyakusanya.

Tafsiri hii imekwisha tanguliwa na Tafsiri nne zilizokuwa kamili, kwa kadiri ninavyofahamu mimi, kwa utaratibu huu:

1. Tafsiri ya Godfrey Dale: Ya mpotovu mkristo Mwingereza, lengo lake lilikuwa kuharibu picha ya mafundisho ya Uislaamu, na kuwageuza Waislaamu Waswahili kutoka kwenye dini hii.

2. Tafsiri ya Ahmadiyya ya Makadiyani: Kubadili maneno, na kutawanya madai potovu ya imani na fikra za kikadiyani, ambazo hazina mafungamano yoyote na misingi ya Uislaamu.

3. Tafsiri ya Sheikh Abdallah Saleh Al-F'arsy, Mwenyeezi Mungu amrehemu. Ilikuwa kama jibu la kawaida kwaTafsiri ya Kadiyani na kusahihisha upotovu wao, isipokuwa mfassiri alianguka ghafla katika baadhi ya maeneo katika mitego ya kikadiyani, au katika mitego ya Nawasib, kutokana na kupinga kwake baadhi ya mambo yanayokubalika.

4. Tafsiri ya Sheikh Ali Muhsin Al-Barwani, Mwenyeezi Mungu amuhifadhi. Ni Tafsiri ya "Al-Muntakhab" ambayo imeandikwa na jopo la Wanavyuoni wa kiMisri. Isipokuwa wao kwa uchujaji uliopindukia ili wasituhumiwe kwa madhehebu yoyote, wameifanya chapwaa (haina uzito wa elimu).

Amma Tafsiri hii ambayo ametuletea Sheikh Ali Juma Mayunga inastahiki kusema kuwa: Hizi ni kurasa zilizochomoza zinaangazia maktaba za Kiswahili na zinawasisimua wasomaji wake na khasakhasa wale ambao wanaochunguza katika kufahamu Aya za Quran Tukufu. Kwa kufuata yaliyokuja kutoka katika Nassi mwenza wake, ambao wao ndio Quranun naatiq (Quran izungumzayo) Mwenyeezi Mungu ametulazimisha kuwatii na akatutaka kuwapenda. Na ni moja ya vitukufu viwili ambavvo ametuamrisha Mtume s.a.w. kushikamana navyo, na kwamba viwili hivyo ndiyo Amani ya umma huu wa Kiislaamu kutokana na upotovu. Na hakukuwa kuhemewa na kushindwa huku ambako kumewaangusha Waislaamu na kuwadhalilisha baada ya utukufu wao. Isipokuwa kujitenga kwao na Quran, kwa kuifahamu na kuielewa na kuifuata kwa sababu ya hayo maganda na viraka (vyao) katika kutafsiri na kuawwili.

Na, ambayo wameichukua kwa wasiokuwa Naatiqul Quran nao ndio kile Kizazi kilichotwaharishwa (a.s)

Naam, sisi hivi sasa tuko na Tafsiri ya Aya za Quran Tukufu ambayo batil haiifikii mbele yake wala nyuma yake, ni uteremsho utokao kwa Mwenye hekima, Mwenye kushukuriwa. Ndani yake, kama yalivyokuja katika Hadithi Tukufu: "Ndani ya Quran zimo khabari (kubwa) za mambo yaliyokuwa kabla yenu, na maelezo ya mambo yatakayokuwa baada yenu, Quran ni upambanuzi si mzaha. Atakaeiacha kwa jeuri tu Mwenyeezi Mungu atamuangamiza, na atakaetafuta uongofu usiotokana na Quran Mwenyeezi Mungu atamtupa nje ya rehema yake..."

Na kama ilivyokuja vilevile katika Hadithi Tukufu: "Isemesheni Quran na haitasema..." Kurasa hazisemi, wako wenye kuisemesha, basi wapateni mshikamane nao.

Ni Tafsiri inayotegemea mafunzo yaliyosihi kupatikana kwake, kutoka kwenye meli zenye kuokoa, Watu wa nyumba ya Mtume Wazuri waliotwaharishwa (a.s).

Ni Tafsiri inayofungua kwa msomaji nyanja nyingi, kwamba Quran ndiyo inayofaa kwa kila zama na kwa kila mahala, kwa itikadi na sharia na siasa na tabia njema...

Ni Tafsiri inayokusanya katika mifuko yake hazina ya elimu kutoka katika Tafsiri na Hadithi na Fiq-h na nyinginezo katika aathari mbalimbali za shehena za Wanavyuoni wa Kiislaamu wa madhehebu mbalimbali... Mwenyeezi Mungu awawie radhi.

Ni Tafsiri haikuganda kwa kung'ang'ania fikra maalum au madhehebu maalum, isipokuwa kwa kiasi cha kufafanua na kuweka wazi na kuongoza kwenye ukweli ambao aliongokewa mfassiri. Akimalizia kwa kuonyesha nambari za kurasa za vitabu vya rejea alivyovinukuu... Na bila shaka, mwanadamu hutokewa na kupatia na kukosea.

Na hapa, kwa hakika mimi ninasisitiza kila atakaesoma kitabu hiki kujipamba kwa uadilifu na kujiepusha na mizozo na upotovu ambao umewadhuru Waislaamu. Na ukawabadilisha kutoka katika amani yao kuwa khofu, khasakhasa katika kipindi hiki cha matatizo, ambapo wamekwisha kusanyika maadui wa Waislaamu mayahudi na walionyuma yao. Kwa kutoa roho zao na kuangamiza mali zao, na kuvunja heshima zao, na kupokonya haki zao, na kupora ardhi zao na kuwatoa katika miji yao. Na hayo ni baada va kufaulu matendo ya kujipenyeza na kuvuruga kwenye kiwiliwili cha umma huu wa Kiislaamu. Na kuutoboa na kuupasua umoja wake na mshikamano kwa kupitia hao vibaraka ambao wamebadilisha maneno kutoka mahala pake. Na wakazua maneno ya uongo, na wakaifanya Quran hii ihamwe, mpaka imekuwa juhudi ndogo sana kwa eneo lolote katika mikusanyiko ya Waislaamu katika kuitukuza Quran, na katika kumsherehekea Mtume s.a.w. aliyeteremshiwa Wahyi huu wa Mwenyezi Mungu. Nijambo ovu na ni uzushi, yanapasa kupigwa vita na kung'olewa...

Na kama kwamba imeshatuangukia Hadithi: "Ee! Ajabu ilioje, kutokana na kuikumbatia kwao (maadui) batili yao, na kuiacha kwenu haki yenu". Basi ni jambo linalowapasa Waislaamu wote na khasakhasa Wanavyuoni wao, kuunganisha safu zao wakiita kwenye umoja wa Kiislaamu, na kushikamana kwa kamba ya Mwenyeezi Mungu... Wallahi hilo halitatimia ila kwa kutupa mgawanyiko na kukubali Haki na kufungamana kwa uongozi bora ambao Mtume s.a.w. aliutangaza na akatuwekea ikawa ni kinga kutokana na kutengana. Akaukutanisha kwa Quran kama moja ya Vitukufu viwili ambavyo havitaachana mpaka vimfikie katika Haudh...

Alaa, nao ndio Maimam waliohifadhiwa katika Kizazi cha watu wa nyumba ya Mtume s.a.w, ambao Mwenyezi Mungu amewaondolea uchafu na amewatwaharisha sana.

Na wala sina nafasi katika eneo hili isipokuwa kumshukuru na kumsifu Sheikh Ali Juma Mayunga juu ya Kitabu hiki Kitukufu, hali ya kumuombea mema na mafanikio. Na kwa wasomaji wa Tafsiri hii ambao watafungua karatasi zake wapate uongofu wa kushikamana na Haki na kufuata njia iliyonyooka. Na kwa kila aliyetoa msaada wake juu ya Tafsiri hii apate baraka, qabul na malipo mema.

Na kwa Waislaamu wote tunawaombea kwa Mungu, mwamko na umoja na ushindi...Hakika yeye ni Mwenye kusikia, Mwenye kuitikia (maombi)...

Na hakuna Tawfiq isipokuwa kwa Mwenyeezi Mungu tu, juu yake ndiko ninakotegemea, na kwake yeye tu ninarejea...

Wassalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Mwenye kuomba dua:

Ahmad Muhammad Al-Khatiib. Dar es Salaam.

 Mfungo saba 1423 Hijria. Juni 2002, Miladia.