Al-Sabur: The Patient

"And obey Allah and His Messenger and dispute not one with another lest you lose your courage and your strength depart from you. Be patient and persevering. Surely Allah is with those who patiently persevere" (8:46).

The Patient is Allah's quality of not acting in haste or prematurely rushing into an action. Allah brings matters about in a determined measure and make them happen according to a definite plan. Allah does not delay them beyond their appointed time as a lazy person might do nor does Allah hasten them ahead of their appointed time. That is to say, Allah does not act impetuously in this respect as an impatient person might do. Rather does Allah bring about everything in its proper time, in the manner that is necessary that it be and just as it ought to be. Allah does all of that without being subjected to a motive force opposed to Allah's will. Allah never acts with haste and therefore Allah is most deserving of the name the Patient.