Al-Nāfi`: The Creator of the Beneficial

These qualities of Allah, used especially in invocations and incantations, from which emanate that which is harmful and that which is beneficial. Neither quality appears in the Qur'an but belong among Allah's most beautiful qualities according to a Hadith from the Messenger. Harm and benefit are qualities of Allah which come either through the mediation of the angels, human beings, or inanimate bodies, or without any mediation. Do not think that poison kills and harms by itself, or that food satisfies or is beneficial by itself, or that an angel, a human being, a devil or any created thing, such as sky or star or something else, is itself capable of producing a benefit or a harm or something beneficial or harmful. Rather is it true that each one of these is only a subservient cause from which nothing comes forth except that for which it has been made subservient.