Al-Mughnî: The Enricher

"Allah is the Rich (Al-Ghanî) and you are needy" (47:38). "...Soon will Allah enrich you" (9:28).

The Rich, Enricher are qualities which show Allah is not dependent upon anything in regard to essence or qualities. Rather Allah is exalted above any connection with others. Those whose essence or the attributes of his essence are connected with something external to their essence in such a way that their existence or their perfection is dependent upon another, is poor. That is to say, poor in the sense of being dependent for satisfying basic needs. Only Allah has complete independence. Allah is also the One Who satisfies the needs of others.

Allah is also the Enricher. It is inconceivable that those who are made free of want should become rich in the absolute sense for at the very least they remain in need of the One Who enriched them. Therefore they are not truly rich. Rather it is true that they can dispense with everyone but Allah in view of the fact that Allah supplies them with what they need and not in view of the fact that their basic needs are no longer there.