Al-Jāmi`: The Gatherer

"Our Lord! It is You Who gathers humanity together to a Day of which there is no doubt for Allah never fails in His promise" (3:9).

The Gatherer is the quality which joins things that are similar, things that are dissimilar, and things that are opposed to each other. As for Allah bringing together similar things, one finds an example of this in Allah's bringing together many creatures who are a part of the human race on this earth and gathering them in the realm at the time of the resurrection. As for Allah's bringing together dissimilar things, one finds an example of this in Allah's bringing together the heavens, the stars, the air, the earth, the seas, the animals, the plants, and the different minerals, all of which have different shapes, colors, tastes and characteristics. Allah has brought animals, plants, and minerals together on earth. Allah has brought everything together in the universe, including the earth, the heavens, and air. Another example of this is Allah's bringing together bones, nerves, veins, muscles, brains, skin, blood and the rest of the component parts to be found in the body of an animal. Each individual cell of each part moves, seeks, finds, rejects, grows, divides, and dies. As for Allah bringing together things opposed to each other, one finds an example of this in Allah's bringing together heat and cold, moisture and dryness in the physical constitution of the animals, those things that are mutually repellent and hostile one to another. This latter phenomenon is the most comprehensive aspect of Allah's ability to bring things together. In reality, one does not know all the details of Allah's ability to bring things together unless one knows every instance in which Allah has ever brought things together both in this life and in that which is to come.