Dhű 'l-Jalâl wa 'l-Ikrâm: The Lord of Majesty and Generosity

"But will abide forever the Presence of thy Lord, full of Majesty and Generosity (Dhű 'l-Jalâl wa 'l-Ikrâm)" (55:27).

The quality Majesty and Generosity is such that there is no majesty and perfection which does not pertain to Allah and no honor nor honorable quality (makrama) which does not emanate from Allah. Everything perishes save His Presence which expresses the idea of Personality, Glory, Majesty, Essence, Self. The word 'Presence' (wajh) implies countenance or favor. "Whoever submits his whole self (wajh) to Allah and is a doer of good--he will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear nor shall they grieve" (2:112). Majesty pertains to Allah in respect of His essence, and honor overflows from Allah upon Allah's people. The variety of the ways in which Allah honors His people is almost unlimited and unending. The saying of Allah is indicative of this, "Verily We have honored the Children of Adam" (17:70).