Al-Barr: The Source of All Goodness

"Truly we did call unto Him from of old. Truly it is He, the Source of All Goodness (Al-Barr) " (52:28).

The Source of All Goodness is the quality which is merciful. The absolute Source of All Goodness is Allah's quality from which comes every good deed and every mercy. Allah loves only good (barr) for His servants. Allah does not want to see them suffer yet Allah forgives those who cause others to suffer. If Allah chooses to punish, the punishment never goes beyond the deed committed while Allah's rewards are ten times greater for a good deed than the deed itself. The Source of All Goodness delays punishment so that the one in error may change his ways. Wrongdoings repented for are turned into good deeds. Good intentions are rewarded even if one is unable to carry them out.