Al-Mu'akhkhir: Postponer

"...I (Allah) had already in advance sent you warning..." (50:28). "If We delay the penalty..." (11:8).

The Promoter, Postponer causes some to be drawn near to Allah and others to be distant from Allah. Those whom Allah has caused to be near, Allah has advanced and those whom Allah has caused to be distant, Allah has removed. Allah has advanced His Prophets and His friends by drawing them near to Him and guiding them. Allah has caused His enemies to be distant by separating them from Himself and by placing a veil between Himself and them.

What is intended by Allah is both advancement and retardation in respect of rank. There is in these qualities an indication that the one who takes the place of precedence does not do so by virtue of his knowledge and work; rather does he reach this position through Allah sending him forward. The same is true of the one who is put back. This is made clear by the saying of Allah, "Lo, those unto whom kindness has gone forth before from Us, they will be far removed from thence,'' (21:101) and His saying, "And if We had so willed, We would have given every soul its guidance, but the word from Me concerning evil doers took effect: that I will fill hell'' (32:13).