Al-Qâdir: The Able

"See they not that Allah Who created the heavens and the earth is able to create the like of them anew?" (17:99). "It is only Allah Who is powerful" (18:45).

The meaning of these two qualities is "to possesses power" but the Powerful has this to a greater extent than the Able. Power refers to the principle by means of which a thing comes into being according to a pre-determined plan of will and knowledge and in agreement with them. The Able has ability which is infinite. It is Allah's Will alone which causes things to happen. The universe Allah creates reflects Allah's power. It is created by Allah when Allah says "'Be!' and it is." The Able is the quality by which Allah does what Allah Wills to do and if Allah so Wills, He does not doit. It is not a part of the condition that one should inevitably will to do something and then exercise His power. Thus Allah is able to cause the resurrection now because Allah would effect it if Allah wished to do so. But if Allah does not effect it, it is because Allah does not wish it. Allah does not wish it because of the knowledge of the fixing of its appointed time and span but this does not detract from Allah's power to do so. The absolute able is the quality which creates every existent by Himself, independent of the assistance of another.

Through the Sign the Powerful, Allah not only creates all power but has total control over it, as well. Through this control, Allah is able to create what He wills and control it. Everything is in need of this power. If Allah Wills, Allah can strengthen the weak and if Allah Wills, Allah can weaken the strong. Allah's will strengthens those who follow His commands by giving them wisdom, patience, and perseverance and weakens those who follow their own ego by increasing their ambition, forgetfulness, self-confidence, and seeking of pleasures. In defense of Allah's servants, Allah discloses Himself through the Able, the Powerful.