Al-Ahad: The One

"He is the Unique (Al-Wâhid )..." (13:16). "Say: He is Allah, the One (Ahad).." (112:1).

The One is Allah's quality which can neither be separated into component parts nor duplicated. An example of that which cannot be separated into component parts is a substance which is one in number. We say of that which is indivisible that it is one in the sense that it has no component parts. Similarly a geometric point has no component parts. Allah is one in the sense that it is impossible to conceive of division in respect of essence, attributes, actions, or justice. All the qualities of Allah are but Signs of that which is hidden within the One. The One reflects multiplicity in unity.

As for that which cannot be duplicated, it is that which has no peer like the sun, for example. For even though it is capable of division in imagination and though in its essence it is made up of component parts since it is one of the species of finite bodies, nevertheless, in fact, it is without a peer, though it is indeed possible for it to have a peer. If there is in existence an existent that is so unique in respect of its existence that it is entirely impossible to conceive of another sharing in its existence, then such an existent is the absolute Unique eternally and forever. The Unique reflects unity in multiplicity.