Al-Muhsî: The Appraiser

"...and appraises everything..." (58:6).

The Appraiser is the divine quality of analyzing, counting, and recording quantities. The Appraiser comprehends and knows comprehensively all numbered things (Al-`Alîm) and has power over them (Al-Qâdîr). The absolute quality of the Appraiser is that by which the quantity and dimensions of everything is known. Although it is possible for human beings to reckon some objects by virtue of their knowledge, yet they are incapable of reckoning the majority of them. Allah, however, records each deed even if it be the size of a mustard seed and the pwill be held responsible on the Day of Judgment for it or rewarded for it. The possibility of human beings actualizing aspects of the Appraiser is weak, as is the case in regard to principles of knowledge.