Al-Matīn: The Firm

"...for your Lord--He is the Strong (Al-Qawī) and able to enforce His Will" (11:66) . "For Allah is He Who gives all sustenance--Lord of Power--the Firm (Al-Matīn) " (51:58).

Strength shows perfect power. Inasmuch as Allah has the utmost of power and is perfect therein, Allah is the Strong. Allah is able to overcome all opposition because of the perfection of power. Allah's strength is unconditional. With the same ease Allah can create millions of galaxies or millions of bees. With the quality of strength, Allah continues the creation, protects the creatures, and guides their actions. Firmness shows an intensity of strength. Inasmuch as Allah has intense power, Allah is the Firm to the highest degree. The Firm refers to the all-encompassing action of Allah's strength. Nothing can be saved from this strength nor can anything oppose it whether Allah's power be compassion for Allah's servants or vengeance and anger against Allah's enemies.