Al-Shahîd: The Witness

The meaning of Allah's quality 'the Witness' goes back to the Knower (Al-`Alîm) together with a particular application. Allah is the "Knower of the invisible and the visible" (6:73). The invisible consists of that which is hidden and the visible consists of that which is manifest. Allah is the One who witnesses all things. If one refers to knowledge in an absolute sense, then one is referring to the Knower (Al-`Alîm ). If one refers to knowledge of the invisible and hidden things, then one is referring to the Aware (Al-Khabîr). If one refers to knowledge to the things that are manifest, then one is referring to the Witness (Al-Shâhid). Along with this, one must consider the fact that Allah will bear witness concerning humanity at the time of the resurrection on the basis of which Allah knows and has born witness to them.