Al-Hakîm: The Wise

"They said: 'Glory be to You. Of knowledge we have none except what You have taught us. In truth it is You Who are the Knower, the Wise'(Al-Hakîm)" (2:32).

Being wise or having wisdom consists of knowledge of the highest of things gathered through the highest modes of knowing. The most sublime thing of all is that of Allah. There is no uncertainty in Allah's knowledge nor does it begin or end just as there is no uncertainty in Allah's commands. Allah is the true Wise because Allah knows the most sublime things by means of the most sublime type of knowledge. Only the knowledge of Allah can be qualified in this manner. Those who follow Allah's commands will learn what they did not know from the reflection of this sign. Those who do not follow Allah's commands will not grow inwardly. None of Allah's deeds lack benefit and wisdom and none are for Allah because Allah is without need of anything. The goal of this quality is for human beings to know that there is an order in the universe and a continuity until the Day of Judgment. It is a synonym of the Knower (Al-`Alîm), endowed with wisdom, that is, with knowledge of things as they come from Allah and with the production of actions according to what is expedient as well as being prudent in making decisions. This corresponds to the perfect soundness of Allah's providence in the guidance of the world and to the benefit of the accomplishment of Allah's decrees. The perfection of wisdom is possible only for Allah. Allah alone is the Wise.