Al-Karîm: The Generous

" ...the Generous (Al-Karîm)" (23:116).

The Generous is the quality which forgives while having the power to exact retribution, which keeps promises and which exceeds the utmost one could desire when giving. The Generous is not concerned about the amount given nor the one to whom something is given. If others are in need, the Generous is not pleased. When the quality of generosity is displeased with a friend, the person reproaches the friend but does not carry this to the limit. The one who seeks refuge and shelter with someone who has the quality of generosity is not lost and is spared the need of begging. Those who gather to themselves all of these descriptions and do this in a most natural way is the absolute Generous and that is Allah alone. As an attribute of action, it means one endowed with liberality. As an attribute of power, it refers to one who fixes the measure of generosity and as an attribute of relation, all nobility stems from it.