Al-Shakūr: The Rewarder of Thankfulness

"...Rewarder of Thankfulness (Shakūr)" (35:30).

The Rewarder of Thankfulness rewards even a few pious deeds many times over. It gives limitless happiness in the life to come for actions undertaken during a limited period. One who rewards the good deed many times over is said to be thankful for that good deed. One who praises the performer of this good deed is also said to be thankful for it. If you consider the multiplication factor in reward, only Allah is absolutely the Rewarder of Thankfulness. His multiplication of reward is unrestrained and unlimited for the blessings of Paradise are infinite. Allah says, "Eat and drink at ease for that which you sent on before you in past days" (69:24). As an attribute of action, it is that quality which gives much as reward for little and as an attribute of speech, it proclaims the eulogy of whomsoever obeys. Furthermore, if you consider the factor of praise to be the criterion, you will discover that in the human realm one's praises are directed to a second party, when Allah praises the actions of His servants. In doing this, Allah is actually praising His own actions, since the actions of human beings are a part of Allah's creation. If one is given something and then praises the giver, one may say that he is thankful. But the one who gives and then goes on to shower praises upon the recipient certainly is more worthy of being called a thankful person. The praise of Allah upon His people is exemplified by His saying, ". . . Men who remember Allah much and women who remember, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward," (33:35) and by His saying, "How excellent a slave! He was ever turning in repentance (to his Lord)," (38:41) and by other verses of this nature.