Al-Latîf: The Subtle

"...He is the Subtle (Al-Latif)... " (6:103).

The one worthy of this Name is the one who knows the fine points of those things that are beneficial as well as their obscurities, niceties, and subtleties and who then makes them available to the deserving one in a gentle rather than a harsh manner. The real meaning of the Subtle combines gentleness in action with delicacy of perception. The perfection of the Subtle in respect of knowledge and activity is inconceivable except for Allah. The Subtle's comprehension of the fine points and the hidden aspects cannot be explained. Suffice it to say that the hidden is as open to His knowledge as is the manifest. There is absolutely no distinction between them. His gentleness and subtlety in His actions are also boundless. The only one who knows the subtlety in respect of His work is the one who knows the details of His actions and the fine points of His gentleness in respect of them. One's knowledge of the meaning of the quality of being the Subtle is commensurate with one's knowledge of these things.