Al-`Adl: The Just

"Verily Allah commands justice.." (16:92).

Those who do not know their own sense of justice cannot know the Just. Those who are not aware of their actions cannot know their sense of justice. In order to understand this quality, human beings must have a comprehensive knowledge of the actions of Allah ranging from the highest kingdom of the heavens to the farthest reaches of the earth. This knowledge results where they do not see "any fault in the creation of the Merciful" and then look again at it. They see no flaw. Then they look yet again and "(their) sight returns unto (them) weakened and made dim," (67:3) having been dazzled by Allah and bewildered by the symmetry and systematic order. In this condition they love Allah since they know something of the "meaning" of Allah's justice. Allah created the parts of everything in existence, both the physical and the spiritual and gave to each one its own character. In doing this He showed His generosity. He also placed each one in a rank suitable to it. In doing this He was the Just. Some of the important bodies in the world are the earth, water, the atmosphere, the heavens, and the stars. He created them and placed them in their proper rank. He placed the earth in the lowest position. He put water above it. The atmosphere is abwater and the heavens are above the atmosphere. If this order were reversed, certainly the system would be ineffective. If only our knowledge of the wonders of the universe were complete and if only we would allow ourselves time to reflect on them and the other bodies surrounding them, then we would be among those of whom Allah said, "We will show them Our Signs upon the horizons and within themselves until it is clear to them that it is the Real (the Truth)" (41:53). How can we be one of those of whom He said, "Thus did We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth that he might be of those possessing certainty?" (6:75). How can "the gates of heaven be opened," (54:11) to those who are completely absorbed in the anxiety of this world, those who are enslaved by greed and passion?