Al-Mudhill: The Dishonorer

"You honor whomsoever You like and dishonor ..." (3:26).

Allah raises to honor those from whose heart the veil is lifted so that they come to know the beauty of Allah's Presence, who are granted contentment so that as they have no need for the things of Allah's creation, and who are provided strength and support so that they may control their own disposition. Allah gives them immediate dominion. Allah will also raise them to honor in the Hereafter in terms of their gaining access to Allah. Allah will call for them, saying, "Oh soul at peace! Return unto your Lord!" (89:27). The dishonored is the one to whom Allah speaks and says, "But you tempted one another and hesitated and doubted and fantasies deluded you until the command of Allah came to pass and the deceiver deceived you concerning Allah; so this day no ransom can be taken for you..." (57:14). This is the utmost limit of dishonor.