Al-Jabbâr: The Compeller

"...the Compeller (Al-Jabbâr )..." (59:23). The Compeller is Allah's quality of being effective in terms of will power over everyone and everything while no will power is effective over It. This force is the one from whose grasp no one is free. Allah's Will is absolute and this magnifies Allah over every other being. Through His Will, Allah compels His creatures to obey His counseling to the positive (amr bi'l ma`rűf) or commands and trying to prevent the development of the negative (nahy `An al-munkar) or prohibitions. These counsels are part of the instinctive nature within beings and things. They predispose creatures to follow Allah's Will, the highest stage of which is to become conscious of self through which the creature then bears witness to the Creator. Certainly Allah coerces everyone, but no one coerces Him.