Al-Salām: The Flawless

"...the Flawless (Al-Salām )..." (59:23)

The Flawless is Allah's quality of lacking all imperfection or any trace of deficiency. There is no perfect, unimpaired state of being in existence except that which is ascribed to and emanates from Allah. The actions of the Flawless are free from absolute negative or base actions. Absolute evil is evil desired for its own sake and not for a greater good resulting from it. There is no natural evil in existence which has this description. The Flawless persists unfaltering, uninterrupted until eternity. In terms of as active quality, Al-Salām is the giver of peace and salvation at the beginning of the creation and at the time of the resurrection. Pronouncing the blessing of peace, 'Al-Salām alaykum' upon His creatures is also a manifestation of Al-Salām.