
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying, "If someone recites both Surat al-Anfal and Bara'ah together, I shall seek intercession for him and testify for him on the Day of Judgment that he is free from hypocrisy, and he will be granted of the rewards ten times as many as the number of hypocritical men and women in the world, and ten of his sins will be wiped out, and his status will be elevated by ten degrees, and the 'Arsh and those (angels) that bear it shall bless him as long as he lives."
Imam al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites both of these chapters every month will not undergo any hypocrisy, and he will be as a true Shi'a of the Commander of the Faithful (as) and will be eating on the Day of Judgment of the tables of Paradise with them till Allah, the most Exalted One, is through with the Judgment."