
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said that this Chapter was revealed as a whole escorted by seventy thousand angels praising and glorifying the Almighty in unison; so, whoever recites it will be blessed by those same seventy thousand angels for a full day and night. Imam al-Rida (as) is quoted as saying that those angels will keep blessing him till the Day of Judgment.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said, "One who recites it from its beginning till the verse saying, 'And thus do We make some oppressors befriend others on account of what they earned (6:129),' Allah will assign for him forty thousand angels to write for him (in his book of good deeds) the like of their own adoration till the Day of Resurrection."
According to the author of Al-Af ad wal Gharaib, one who does the same after having performed the fajr prayers, forty angels will descend for him, and it will be recorded for him the like of their adoration.
According to the author of Al-Waseet, if one does so upon waking up, Allah Almighty will assign for him a thousand angels to protect him and to record for him the like of their deeds (of adoration) till the Day of Judgment.