the reality of the prophet's mission
We should repeat at this point that we do not intend to prove or disprove
here the truth of Islam or the validity of the Prophet's invitation of
the people to Islam. Rather, we simply want to state that the second of
the modern non-Islamic explanations is also not in accordance with the
explanation given in the qur'an.
According to it, the prophet succeeded in convincing people to believe
in a set of superstitions framed in a politico-religious framework; he
was aided in this, so they say, by the fact that his own people were tribesmen,
having no advanced culture of their own. In the name of public good and
the well-being of society harsh punishments were promised to those who
did not obey the religious laws; the Prophet instilled a fear of the Day
of reckoning and promised rewards for those who obeyed.
Thus fervour for the promised paradise and fear of the Day of Reckoning
created a society based on a religious foundation.
The history of the lives of other prophets has, for the most part, been
lost in time, but the life of the Prophet Muhammad is well documented.
Anyone who researches into it will not be left in the least doubt that
he had total faith and inner certainty in his mission. If religious beliefs
were mere superstitions or a means to unify and subdue a society, then
all the proofs expounded in the Qur'an concerning the hereafter, the existence
of a Creator of the World, Divine Unity, His attributes, belief in a prophecy
and the reckoning of a man's actions after death would have absolutely
no meaning.