84. " say: ` we believe in allah and in what has been sent down to us,
and what was sent down to abraham and, ishmael, isaac,
jacob and the tribes, and in what was given to moses and jesus
and to the prophets from their lord.
we make no difference between any of them.
and to him do we submit'."

similar to sura al-baqarah, no. 2, verse 136, that allah took pledge
from the former prophets to believe in their following prophet, and to
introduce him and help him, this verse denotes that the following prophet,
too, believes in all the former divine books recidivously. it says:

" say: ` we believe in allah and in what has been sent down to us,
and what was sent down to abraham and, ishmael, isaac,
jacob and the tribes, and in what was given to moses and jesus
and to the prophets from their lord.
we make no difference between any of them.
and to him do we submit'."

the purpose of the qur'anic term /asbat /, mentioned in the verse, is
those seven tribes from the children of israel among whom there were
some prophets.

1. we should not ignore the services of others.

2. all prophets had the same aim.

3. religion and the guidance of allah have been accompanied with
the life of man all the times. prophets are like the teachers of different
classes who, as links of a chain, have been commissioned to guide human

4. the preference of some prophets to some others of them is never
a barrier for our general belief in them.

"... we make no difference between any of them, ..."