61. " and whoever dispute with you concerning him, after what has come to
you of knowledge, say: 'come! let us call our sons and your sons,
our women and your women, and our selves and your selves,
then let us invoke in earnest and lay the curse of allah upon the liars."

this holy verse, because of containing the phrase /nabtahel/ in its
arabic text, is known in islamic literature as the verse of 'mutual
cursing' , /mubahilah/ the arabic term /mubahilah/ means: to leave the
personal tendencies and attracting the attention towards invocation and
supplication before allah (s.w.t.) for asking curse and perdition unto
the one who is not right.

in commentary books from both sunni and shi'ah school of
thought as well as in some books of tradition and history books, it is
cited that in the tenth year a.h., from the side of the prophet (p.b.u.h.),
some muslims were commissioned to go to najran, a region in yemen!
in order to preach islam the christian inhabitants of najran set out a
religious mission from their side to attend medina and discuss with the
prophet of islam (p.b.u.h.).

after some debates and disputes between them and the prophet
(p.b.u.h.), they felt hesitation and sought for pretexts. then, this verse
was revealed, stating:

" and whoever disputes with you concerning him, after what has come to
you of knowledge, say: 'come! let us call our sons and your sons,
our women and your women, and our selves and your selves,
then let us invoke in earnest and lay the curse of allah upon the liars."

that is, any curse which would reach either of two parties showed
that that party was not right thus, the revelation of this verse put an
end to that discussion thereby.

as soon as the missionaries of the christians of najran heard the
suggestion of performing the mutual curse from the prophet (p.b.u.h.)
looked at each other while they were surprised they asked the
prophet of islam (p.b.u.h.) for respite to contemplate and consult over
the subject. then, when they were dismissed from the presence of the
messenger of allah, they began consulting with each other the chief
monk, the leader of the selected holy group of the christians told them
that they could accept the suggestion. then, if the prophet of islam
(p.b.u.h.) came for cursing with ceremonies and followed by a large
group of people, they would not be worried about it and knew that
nothing might happen.

but, if they saw that he came to the spot with a few people, they
would give up the act of /mubahilah/ and compromise with him.

on the day of cursing, they saw that the prophet of islam
(p.b.u.h.) entered the appointed spot followed by two boys, a young man
and a lady. those two boys were hassan and husayn, (a.s.) the young
man was ali-ibn-abitalib (a.s.), and the lady was fatimah (a.s.), the
prophet's daughter.

when the chief monk saw them, he exclaimed:

" by god! i see the faces that, if they pray to god for mountains to
move from their places, the mountains will immediately move."

"if they curse you, you will be wiped out of existence to the last day of
the life of the earth."

therefore, the christians asked muhammad (p.b.u.h.) to give up
the idea of the agreed /mubahilah/ (mutual cursing) and they announced
they were ready for compromise they offered to pay two thousand
suits !ach of which cost, more or less, at forty dirhams (drachma) every
year (in addition to some other things)... .

this event is cited in commentary books of both great sects of
islam: sunnites and shi'ites. 1

according to some of the islamic traditions, the day of mubahilah
(mutual curse) was the twenty fourth or twenty fifth day of zil-hajj, and
its place, at the time of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) was somewhere
outside of medina which has located inside the city now. at this place,
there has been built a mosque by the name of masjid-ul-'ijabah which is
about two kilo meters far from the holy tomb of the prophet (p.b.u.h.)
in masjid-un-nabiy.
mutual curse /mubahilah/ was not confined to that time. some
of islamic traditions indicate that every believer can apply it, too, if the
one wishes. in nur-uth-thaqaiayn, vol. 1, p 351 a tradition from imam
sadiq (a.s.) is narrated upon this subject who has issued a few
instructions about it.

in usul-kafi, vol 2, section ' mutual curse ', there are also cited
five traditions which denote that every believer can apply 'mutual curse'
with the opponents, too, by improving oneself through observing the
fast for three days its order is such that: at twilight he puts his right
hand fingers in his opponent's fingers and recites the concerning special

there may arise a question that when fatimah (a.s.) was the only
woman attended in that event, why does the qur'an has applied the
plural form of the word;
" nisa'ana " (our women) ? the answer is that
there are some examples of this specimen in the qur'an where allah
refers to a single person in the form of plural, like sura
al-i-imran, no 3, verse 181 wherein allah (s.w.t.) says:
" ... those
who say: 'god is poor..."
while only one jewish preson had said that
aspersive sentence. or, the qur'an, referring to abraham (a.s.) as an
ummah in himself standing alone against his world, says:
" abraham was
indeed a model, ... "

1. ali-ibn-'abitalib (a.s.) has been counted as the ' self ' of the
messenger of allah (p.b.u.h.):
" our selves "

2. when logic, reasoning, and miracle do not make a person
accept the truth, he must be threatened to destruction.

3. the last winning means and the forceful weapon of a true
believer is supplication.

4. if you stand firm, the enemy, because of not being right, will

5. by that great event, the lord and the messenger of allah (p.b.u.h.)
made us understood that these holy persons were the
assistants and the associates of the messenger of allah (p.b.u.h.) in
inviting people to the truth and to his sacred goal. they, following him,
were ready to face with dangers, and continued the path of his

1 majma'-ul-bayan, vol. 702, p. 452
2 the auther of al-mizan has cited in his commentary hook,
al-mizan, vol 3, p 257 that this event has been reported similarly by 51
companions of the prophet. also, in commentary books by fakhr-razi,
aloosi, maraqi, and in kitab-ul-kamil, by ibn-'athir, vol 2, p. 293, in mustadrak hakim,
vol. 3, p.150, in musnad ahmad-ibn-hanbal, vol one, p.185, and also in
ruh-ul-bayan,al-minar, commentary of ibn-kathir, and in many other islamic sources,
this event has been recorded and it has been confirmed that the
messenger of allah, (p.b.u.h.) ali-ibn-'abitalib, fatimah zahra, hassan
and husayn (a.s.) were the ones whose prayers were answered
this is a worthy document evidence for the greatness and
magnificence of ahlul-bayt (a.s.) in ihghagh-ul-hagh, vol 3, p 49 the names
of 61 respected people from the sunnis school of thought are mentioned
who all said this verse is on the greatness of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.)
and his ahlul-bayt (a.s.)
3 sura nahl, no. 16, verse 120