46. " and he will speak to the people in the cradle and in adulthood,
and will be one of the righteous."

to speak as prediction in cradle is the miracle of jesus. he spoke
to people when he was in cradle. his speech, when he would become
aged, was another prediction of jesus which meant he would live to
become grown up.

" and he will speak to the people in the cradle and in adulthood, ...."

1. the one who is able to bring a child for mary without having a
husband, can make a baby speak in the cradle.

2. where allah wills to protect a person from accusation and
imputation, he makes the mute tongue of a baby speak.

3. where allah intends, a baby speaks like a grown up person,

4. the child of a righteous woman, such as mary, is jesus, the

"... and will be one of the righteous."

5. in childhood, too, it is possible for him to convey the message
of allah to others. so, some of our imams, like imam jawad (a.s.),
imam ali-an-naghi (a.s.), and imam al-mahdi (a.s.), were appointed to
imamate when they were in childhood.