section 4

allah's choice of the descendants of
abraham (a.s.)

sins of those who love allah and his apostle are forgiven.
mary's dedication for service to the lord.
the glad tidings to zachariah of being granted a son.


31. " say: ` if you love allah, then follow me,
allah will love you and
forgive you your sins; and allah is forgiving, merciful '."

the verses under discussion, including the above verse, have been
revealed about a group of the people of the book, (the christians from
najran), who used to say:
" we are the lovers of the lord." then allah
defines ` the followers of the apostle of allah ' as the clear example of
this love, and tells his apostle muhammad thus:

" say, ` if you love allah, then follow me, ..."

if you are true in what you claim ö that you love allah ö then
follow the apostle of allah. this act of following is the same as
obeying allah. it is in this case that, allah loves you and forgives
your sins.

"... allah will ` love you and forgive you your sins;
and allah is forgiving, merciful '."