21. " verily, those who disbelieve in the signs of allah
and slay the prophets unjustly and slay those, of people, who enjoin equity,
give tidings to them of a painful chastisement."
22. " they are those whose works come to nothing in this world and in the
next, and they will have no helpers."


" verily, those who disbelieve in the signs of allah ..."

these people are the jews, the people of the book, the formers
of whom slew both the prophets and their followers, those who were
among the worshippers of the children of israel.

the reason why, at the time of the revelation of the qur'an,
allah (s.w.t.) gave the jews the glad tidings of punishment was that
they were pleased and content with the deeds of their ancestors. besides
that, they tried to slay and were in thought of killing the prophet
(p.b.u.h.) as well as the believers. if there were not the support of
allah, they would accomplish their evil intention.

"...and slay the prophets unjustly and slay those, of people,
who enjoin equity, give tidings to them of a painful chastisement."

here, the meaning of the term `unjustly' is not that it is possible to
kill prophets justly, but the purpose is that the slaying of prophets has
always been done unjustly and oppressively."

* * * *
" they are those whose works come to nothing in this world and
in the next, ..."

the purpose of the nullification of deeds that the verse says:
`their works come to nothing in this world ' is that, by following the
torah, their blood and wealth would not remain safe and, they could
not succeed to be praised in this world. and also their deeds will come
to naught in the next world, since they will deserve no reward.
therefore, it seems that they have had no good deeds; and this is the
very reality of the qur'anic term /hubut/, ` unfruitfulness & distruction '.

"... and they will have no helpers."