15. " say: `shall i tell you of what is better than these?
for those who keep from evil are gardens with their lord; beneath which
rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever,
and pure spouses, and allah's pleasure;
and allah is well aware of the servants."

in the previous verse, allah's word was upon belittling the love
of this world and enjoining people to piety and good goal of life. in this
verse, it introduces the hereafter, as grand and worthy, and encourages
people towards it.

" say: ` shall i tell you of what is better than these ? ..."

it addresses the prophet (p.b.u.h.) commanding to `say' a great
information in the form of a question. some of commentators believe
that the content of the inquiry stretches upto the phrase ` with their
lord ' in the verse. they say what it informs which begins from the
qur'anic phrase `gardens beneath which rivers flow'.

therefore, the consequence of the meaning of the verse is: `shall
i inform you of what is better than that which was formerly said about
the desires of this world and lusts and their attractions ?' .

"... for those who keep from evil... "
"... are gardens with their lord, beneath wich rivers flow, ..."

then it adds:

"... wherein they will abide forever, ..."

when enumerating the merits in heaven, it refers to spouses
therein who are pure from any pollution, filthiness, indecent qualities,
and disgraceful manners:

"... and pure spouses, ..."

besides heaven of this kind, the pleasure of allah is theirs.

"... and allah's pleasure... "

finally, it adds:

"... and allah is well aware of the servants. "