135. " and those who, when they commit an indecency or do injustice to their
selves, remember allah and seek forgiveness for their sins ö and who
forgives the sins except allah ? ö and they (the pious) do not knowingly persist
in what they have committed."

when the pious ones do something wrong or do injustice to
themselves, they remember allah and ask for forgiveness from him for
their sins. it says:

" and those who, when they commit an indecency or do injustice to their selves,
remember allah and seek forgiveness for their sins ö ..."

it is understood from the above verse that whensoever that a person
remembers allah, he does not commit sin. thus, this forgetfulness and
negligence, in the doers of good, does not remain long, and before soon
they remember allah and make up for the past.

"... and who forgives the sins except allah ?..."

at the end of the verse, to lay emphasis on the subject, it says:

"... and they (the pious) do not knowingly persist in what they have