128. " the affair is no concern at all of yours whether he turns towards
them (mercifully) or punishes them, for verily, they are unjust."

when the leader is completely truthful, he behaves like that. he
even faithfully and bravely recites the revelations that relieve him of a
responsibility. the lord said:

" the affair is no concern at all of yours..."

we study in the commentary books of both great sects of islam that
when the tooth of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) was broken and it bleeded in the
battle of 'uhud, he (p.b.u.h.) said: " how could these people be prosperous ? "
the verse was revealed that he was not responsible of people's prosperity.
they would be forgiven later that time, or they might be left to themselves
and be punished.

"... whether he turns towards them (mercifully) or punishes them,
for verily, they are unjust."

1. the way of repentance is not shut to even those who run away
from the godly battlefields, as well as to the disbelievers who have injured
the muslims with the greatest damages.

2. do not judge promptly.

3. both forgiveness and punishment depend on allah. (the merit
of intercession is a gift that allah has endowed upon the saints. of course,
it cannot be performed without the leave of allah; and never have
prophets any independence from their own before allah.)

4. the chastisement of human beings is the fruit of their own
injustice and transgression.