107. " and as to those whose faces will turn white, they shall be in the
mercy of allah; wherein shall they abide forever."
108. " these are the verses of allah which we recite unto you in truth;
and allah does not intend any injustice to the worlds."

the recitation of the divine verses, without any exaggeration or
diminution, is adapted to the truth, therefore, actions and reactions, deeds
and rewards, movements and recompenses of all nations have been fixed
upon a single principal and way. allah neither ordains the servants a duty
beyond their endurance, nor changes the divine laws and ways of treatment
with respect to nations.

1. allah does not cast any kind of unjust over any one, nor does he
wish any unjust for any one.

2. having a white face or a black face is a reflection of belief,
thoughts, and deeds of individuals themselves.

" and as to those whose faces will turn white, they shall be in the
mercy of allah;
wherein shall they abide forever."

3. unjust is usually offered by someone who is weak or is not able to
obtain the goal through right way; or the one is neglectful due to evil,
indecency and committing unjust, none of which is right to be attributed to
allah, the pure. therefore, the second verse may refer to the same fact
that the lord, to whom all things belong and the return of all is towards
him, does not need to be unjust.

" these are the verses of allah which we recite unto you in truth;
and allah does not intend any injustice to the worlds."