sura al-fatihah
(the opening)
no. 1 (7 verses)

in the name of allah, the beneficent, the merciful

contents of the sura

the holy phrase`in the name of allah,the beneficent,the merciful'
/ bism-il-lah-ir-rahman-ir-rahim / is, in fact, mentioned both at the onset
of the qur'an and at the beginning of every sura, except sura 9, (sura
taubah - repentance). and, since the purpose of allah's word, i.e. the
whole qur'an, is to guide people; as sura al-ma'idah, no. 5,
verses 15-16 say :
"...indeed, there has come to you a light and a clear
book from allah ", " with it allah guideth him who follows his pleasure to
the ways of peace and safety ...";
therefore, this guidance, being a grant
and a fundamental principle, begins with allah's holy name.

this sura, among all suras of the qur'an, has an extraordinary
radiance which originates from the following merits : 

1. the tone of the sura :

this sura, the opening, in comparison with other suras of the
qur'an regarding its tone and melody, has a particular style which is
clearly different and extraordinary. the other suras contain
instructions from allah, who gives commands and admonishments to
his servants, but, in this sura, his words are uttered on behalf of the
servants. in other words, in this sura, allah has taught his servants
how to supplicate and speak to him, simply and without a mediator.

2. al-fatihah, the basis of the qur'an :

it is narrated that the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) has said :
" by the
one, in whose hand is my soul, allah has not sent down a similar sura to
this sura (al-fatihah), neither in the turah, nor in the gospel, nor in
the psalms, nor even in the qur'an, and it is umm-ul-kitab ";
1 which
means that it is the basis and origin of all excellence.

in fact, besides referring to the resurrection, this sura presents
facts concerning the unity of the divine essence, unity of attributes,
unity of divine acts, and unity of worship. it is the essence of the
whole meaning of the qur'an.

it is narrated from hadrat amir-ul-mu'mineen ali (a.s.) that :
" all secrets of allah are in divine books; and the contents of all those
divine books are comprised in the qur'an;and what is found in the qur'an
is condensed in sura al-fatihah, and what is in al-fatihah is gathered in
/bismillah /, and what is in / bismillah / is concentrated in /b/, (the first
letter of ` bism-il-lah ' )..." 2

based on the entirety of great commentators' statements, it is
understood that this tradition indicates clearly the importance of both
the holy qur'an and /bismillah-ir-rahman-ir-rahim/ in which science and
knowledge, from the beginning to the end, is comprised. the
interpreter and elucidator of these sciences is the holy prophet
(p.b.u.h.), and after him there are his true vicegerents including
amir-ul-mu'mineen ali (a.s.).

3. al-fatihah, magnificent honour of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) :

sura al-fatihah, more so than the other suras in the holy
qur'an, was revealed to the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) as a great bounty. it
stands on a par with the whole qur'an. the seven verses in the sura
sum up the whole qur'an :
" and we have bestowed upon thee the seven
oft-repeated (verses) and the grand qur'an ", ( sura al-hijr, no. 15,
verse 87 ). this meaning is also referred to in a narration from
amir-ul-mu'mineen ali (a.s.) quoting the prophet's (p.b.u.h.) tradition
who said :
" verily, allah, the exalted, has bestowed (his) favours on me
particularly for ` the opening ' (al-fatihah) and has positioned it on a par
with the whole grand qur'an, and surely fatihat-ul-kitab (the opening of
the qur'an) is the dearest (item) in the treasures of the `arsh, (throne of
heaven) ". 4

4. the importance of its recitation :

the recitation of this sura, because of its extreme importance, is
frequently emphasized in islamic traditions and narrations.

as for its virtue, it is narrated from the holy prophet(p.b.u.h.)
" the reward of any muslim who recites the sura ` opening ', is like
that of a person who has recited two thirds of the qur'an, and so much
reward would he receive as if he has given every believing muslim, man or
woman, a free will offering ".

5. the titles of the sura :

there are ten titles given to this sura, as taken from islamic
narrations and commentary books, thus:
fatihat-ul-kitab, umm-ul-kitab,
umm-ul-qur'an, sab`-ul-mathani, al-wafiyah, al-kafiyah, ash-shafiyah,
al-asas, as-salat, and al-hamd.6 

* * * *

1 majm`-ul-bayan, vol. 1, p. 17
2 makhzan-ul-`irfan, commentary, vol. 1, p. 28 & masabih-ul-anwar vol. 1,p.435
3 manhajus-sadiqin, vol. 1, p. 90
4 al-burhan fi tafsir-il-qur'an, vol. one,p. 21; & atyab-ul-bayan, vol. 1, p.83
5 majma`-ul-bayan, vol. one, p. 17 .
6 rauh-ul-janan, abul-futuh razi, commentary, vol. one, p. 16