
A Journal of Islamic Thought and Culture

  • Title

    Qur'anic Studies

  • Understanding the Uniqueness of the Qur'an
    Martyr Murtada Mutahhari 
    Translated by Mahliqa Qara'i 


    Hadith al-Thaqalayn, Study of its Tawatur
    Based on 'Abaqat al-Anwar' by Sayyid Hamid Husayn 

  • Glimpses of Nahj al-Balaghah
    Martyr Murtada Mutahhari

  • Outlines of the Development of the Science of Hadith
    Dr. Mustafa Awliya'i 


  • Introduction to 'Irfan
    Martyr Murtada Mutahhari 


  • The Study of Islamic Philosophy
    Ibrahim Bayyumi Madkour 
    Translated by Shahyar Sa'adat;

  • The Islamic Concept of Knowledge
    Dr. Sayyid Wahid Akhtar  


  • 'Ashura: Misrepresentations and Distortions
    Martyr Murtada Mutahhari 

  • Karbala, an Enduring Paradigm of Islamic Revivalism
    Sayyid Wahid Akhtar 

  • History and Human Evolution
    Parts One and Two
    Martyr Murtada Mutahhari 

  • Al-'Imam al-Rida [a] and the Heir Apparency
    Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din;

  • Major Shi'i Thinkers of the 5th/11th century
    Sayyid Wahid Akhtar 


  • The Concept of Love in the Shi'i Creed
    Sayyid Muhammad Rida Hijaz;

  • The Greater Jihad
    Ayatullah Ruhullah al-Khumayni;

    Fiqh and Usul

  • The Role of Reason in Ijtihad
    Martyr Murtada Mutahhari;

  • The Role of Ijtihad in Legislation
    Martyr Murtada Mutahhari;


  • Introduction to 'Ilm al-Kalam
    Martyr Murtada Mutahhari 
    Translated by Ali Quli Qara'i 


    Muslim Ummah

  • Islam and the Modern Age
    Allamah Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i 
    Translated by Mahliqa Qara'i 

  • Women in a Qur'anic Society
    Lois Lamya al-Faruqi 

  • Western Nationalism and Islamic Nationhood
    Martyr Murtada Mutahhari 
    Translated by Dr. Wahid Akhtar 

  • Towards a Definition of Terrorism
    Ayatullah Muhammad 'Ali Tashkiri 

  • The Causes Responsible for Materialist tendencies in the West
    Parts One, Two, Three and Four
    Martyr Murtada Mutahhari 
    Translated by Mujahid Husayn

  • The Utility of Islamic Imagery in the West
    J.A. Progler 

  • A Criticism of the Idea of Arab Nationalism
    Dr. Muhammad Yahya