
Section 7 - Cleanliness External and Internal

Cleanliness and purity essential preliminary to prayer - Jews exhorted to obey - Polytheism the gravest the unpardonable sin.

43. " O' you who have Faith! do not approach prayer when you are intoxicated, until you know what you say, nor when you are polluted - unless you be passing through - until you wash yourselves. And if you are ill or on a journey, or one of you come from privy or you have touched the women and you cannot find water, then betake yourselves to pure earth then wipe your faces and your hands; Verily Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving."


A Few Legal Ordinances

The following Islamic legal ordinances can be extracted from the above-mentioned verse:

1- Canonical prayers are invalid when the person is intoxicated. The holy verse says:

" O' you who have Faith! do not approach prayer when you are intoxicated, until you know what you say, ..."

The reason of it, of course, is clear, because 'prayer' is the talk and invocation of the servant with Allah and the action must be performed in an utmost conscious state.

2- The prayer is invalid for the person who is in ritual impurity. So, the Qur'an says that you should not approach prayer when you are polluted:

"... nor when you are polluted - ..."

Next to that, it has stated an exception for this ordinance. It says:

"... unless you be passing through - ..."

In this state establishing prayer is permissible on the condition of dry ablution, which will be dealt with in the following.

3- The words refer to the allowance of establishing prayer or passing through a mosque after performing a legal bathing, which has been stated by saying:

"...until you wash yourselves..."

Dry Ablution for the Excused:

Through the next phrase, all religious aspects of dry ablution are stated. At first, it points to the situation in which water is harmful for the health of the body.

"...And if you are ill or on a journey, ..."

Then, it continues saying:

"...or one of you come from privy or you have touched the women, ..."

And, when in this situation, there is not water for ablution:

"...and you cannot find water, ..."

In this condition, you must have recourse to dust:

"... then betake yourselves to pure earth, ..."

In the next sentence, it has stated the style of having recourse to dust. It says:

"...then wipe your faces and your hands; ..."

At the end of the verse, the Qur'an points to this fact that this ordinance is a kind of facilitation and discount for you, since:

"...verily Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving."

(44) Ãóáóãú ÊóÑó Åöáóì ÇáøóÐöíäó ÃõæÊõæÇú äóÕöíÈðÇ ãøöäó ÇáúßöÊóÇÈö íóÔúÊóÑõæäó ÇáÖøóáÇóáóÉó æóíõÑöíÏõæäó Ãóä ÊóÖöáøõæÇú ÇáÓøóÈöíáó

44. " Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Book? They buy error and desire that you should also go astray from the way."


In this verse, Allah addresses the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.)and, in an astonishing tone, says: whether he has not seen that group of people who were given a portion of the Book in order to be guided and guide others. But instead of obtaining guidance and felicity by it for themselves and others, they buy aberration not only for themselves but also they wish you went astray. It says:

" Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Book? they buy error and desire that you should also go astray from the way."

Thus, as a result of their bad intentions, they changed what they had as a means of guidance for themselves and for others into a means of misleading and being misled. The reason of that manner was that they never went after the truth, but they looked all the things with the dark glasses of hypocrisy, jealousy, and materiality.

(45) æóÇááøåõ ÃóÚúáóãõ ÈöÃóÚúÏóÇÆößõãú æóßóÝóì ÈöÇááøåö æóáöíøðÇ æóßóÝóì ÈöÇááøåö äóÕöíÑðÇ

45. " And Allah knows well your enemies; and Allah is sufficient as a Guardian, and Allah is sufficient as a Helper. "


In this verse, it says that they show themselves in the form of friends, but they are your real enemies. It is in the case that Allah knows your enemies well :

" And Allah knows well your enemies; ... "

What enmity is higher than that they are opposite your happiness and guidance. They always persue their own evil aims to be practised, every time in a shape. They sometimes come nigh with a tongue of benevolence, and sometimes by the way of ill-speaking. Yet, you should never be afraid of their hostility, because you are not alone:

" ... and Allah is sufficient as a Guardian, and Allah is sufficient as a Helper."

(46) ãøöäó ÇáøóÐöíäó åóÇÏõæÇú íõÍóÑøöÝõæäó Çáúßóáöãó Úóä ãøóæóÇÖöÚöåö æóíóÞõæáõæäó ÓóãöÚúäóÇ æóÚóÕóíúäóÇ æóÇÓúãóÚú ÛóíúÑó ãõÓúãóÚò æóÑóÇÚöäóÇ áóíøðÇ ÈöÃóáúÓöäóÊöåöãú æóØóÚúäðÇ Ýöí ÇáÏøöíäö æóáóæú Ãóäøóåõãú ÞóÇáõæÇú ÓóãöÚúäóÇ æóÃóØóÚúäóÇ æóÇÓúãóÚú æóÇäÙõÑúäóÇ áóßóÇäó ÎóíúÑðÇ áøóåõãú æóÃóÞúæóãó æóáóßöä áøóÚóäóåõãõ Çááøåõ ÈößõÝúÑöåöãú ÝóáÇó íõÄúãöäõæäó ÅöáÇøó ÞóáöíáÇð

46. " Some of those who are Jews change the words from their places and say: " We heard and disobeyed ", and (impolitely tell the Messenger) do hear, but as one that never hears, and ' Infatuate us! ' distorting (the word) with their tongues and taunting about religion, and if they had said: ' We heard and we obeyed, hear you and respite us ' it would have been better for them, and more upright, but Allah cursed them for their disbelief, so they do not believe; save a few. "


The application of the phrases / sam'na wa 'asayna / in the Arabic language means something like persian proverb which says: ' You may say but we do not follow '.

The Muslims of the time of the Prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h.) used to tell him the Arabic phrase /ra'ina/. By this word they meant to say that he would pay attention to them and protect them. But the Jews perverted this word to a disgrace meaning. When the word is taken from the Arabic root /ra'a/, it means ' to consider, to observe ', but when it is taken from the root /ra'unat /, and pronounced /ra'inna/, it means: ' make of us foolish'. By twisting their tongues, the Jews used to both defame the Muslims and mock Islam.

In the previous verse, too, their hostility and that they intended to mislead the Muslims through their apostasy and infidelity, was pointed out. It was because of these hostilities and missing the light of guidance that they were cursed by Allah.

" Some of those who are Jews change the words from their places and say: " We heard and disobeyed ", and (impolitely tell the Messenger) do hear, but as one that never hears, and ' Infatuate us! ' distorting (the word) with their tongues and taunting about religion, and if they had said: ' We heard and we obeyed, hear you and respite us ' it would have been better for them, and more upright, but Allah cursed them for their disbelief, so they do not believe; save a few. "

(47) íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáøóÐöíäó ÃõæÊõæÇú ÇáúßöÊóÇÈó ÂãöäõæÇú ÈöãóÇ äóÒøóáúäóÇ ãõÕóÏøöÞðÇ áøöãóÇ ãóÚóßõã ãøöä ÞóÈúáö Ãóä äøóØúãöÓó æõÌõæåðÇ ÝóäóÑõÏøóåóÇ Úóáóì ÃóÏúÈóÇÑöåóÇ Ãóæú äóáúÚóäóåõãú ßóãóÇ áóÚóäøóÇ ÃóÕúÍóÇÈó ÇáÓøóÈúÊö æóßóÇäó ÃóãúÑõ Çááøåö ãóÝúÚõæáÇð

47. " O' you who have been given the Scripture! believe in what We have revealed, confirming that which is (already) with you, before We destroy countenances and turn them towards their backs, or curse them as We cursed the people of Sabbath (the violating Jews), and the Command of Allah is ever-executed. "


The words saying " ... before We destroy countenances and turn them towards their backs, ... " may refer to the purpose of changing the feature of hearts and nature of safe and sound intellects from the path of felicity. This status may come forth as a result of their obstinacy and arrogance against the Divine verses. In stead of going one step forward, they retrogress some steps backward, and their spiritual human features and intellects will be abolished.

Perhaps, it refers to the outward change of faces to their backs and transformation of the features, or change of shapes in the Hereafter.

The People of Sabbath

There were some disobedient Jews who violated the Command of Allah (s.w.t.) upon the prohibition of fishing on Saturdays and, by a legal trick, they did fishing. So, they incurred the wrath of Allah, and their faces transformed into the shape of monkeys.


1- The general framework of the programs of all Divine prophets are alike. Therefore, in the style of invitation and propagation, others' opinions and their common rights should be respected.

" ... confirming that which is (already) with you, ... "

2- Islam invites the followers of other religions to the religion of Allah, too.

" O' you who have been given the Scripture! believe ... "

3- The scientifical figures and those who are cognizant are more responsible, and are especially addressed by the religion of Allah.

" O' you who have been given the Scripture! believe ..."

4- When confronting the obstinant ones, the means of threat must be used.

" ... before We destroy ... "

5- In order that the threat be affected, the kinds of its concrete and applicable examples should be mentioned.

" ... as We cursed the people of Sabbath (the violating Jews), ... "

6- The wrath of Allah upon all of the obstinate persons, during the history of the world, is an Allah's way of treatment.

" ... as We cursed the people of Sabbath (the violating Jews), ... "

7- The command of Allah is always certain.

" ... and the Command of Allah is ever-executed."

(48) Åöäøó Çááøåó áÇó íóÛúÝöÑõ Ãóä íõÔúÑóßó Èöåö æóíóÛúÝöÑõ ãóÇ Ïõæäó Ðóáößó áöãóä íóÔóÇÁ æóãóä íõÔúÑößú ÈöÇááøåö ÝóÞóÏö ÇÝúÊóÑóì ÅöËúãðÇ ÚóÙöíãðÇ

48. " Verily Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whom He Pleases; and whoever associate (aught) with Allah, has indeed devised a great sin. "


More than two hundred times the word ' polytheism ' has been mentioned in the Qur'an where tending towards other than Allah (idolatry, hypocrisy, non-godly beliefs, materialism, and so on) has been criticized. The content of this verse has also been repeated in this very Sura, verse 116; and in fact repetition can be a cause of guidance. However, polytheism will not be forgiven because it is an exodus from the process of right. It is also departing from the line of Allah and joining other than Him.

If, even a pagan leaves out paganism and sincerely repents, Allah will forgive him. It is cited in Sura Az-Zumar, No.39, verse 53 that surely Allah forgives the faults altogether, therefore do not despair of His Mercy. Then, it is appropriate for everyone to return to Him by repenting and asking forgiveness.

It is narrated from Imam Amirul-Mu'mineen Ali (a.s.) who said that the mentioned verse, to me, is the most (encouraging) beloved one among the verses of the Qur'an.

Since no one knows to whom the wisely grace of Allah will be granted, there will remain no room for pride and boldness in anyone to commit sin. The following factors pave the way of forgiveness:

1) repentance, 2) to do goodness, 3) to avoid the great sins, 4) intercession, and, 5) the Divine pardon (which is pointed out in this verse)


1- Polytheism is the worst form of sins and it is a barrier against the Divine forgiveness.

2- Forgiveness of the faults relates to the Wisely Will of Allah.

(49) Ãóáóãú ÊóÑó Åöáóì ÇáøóÐöíäó íõÒóßøõæäó ÃóäÝõÓóåõãú Èóáö Çááøåõ íõÒóßøöí ãóä íóÔóÇÁ æóáÇó íõÙúáóãõæäó ÝóÊöíáÇð

49. " Have you not seen those who consider themselves pure? Nay! Allah purifies whom He pleases, and they shall not be wronged even the hair of a date-stone. "


In some other verses of the Qur'an self-praise and oneself faultless, chosen, and excellent are also blamed.considering Sura An-Najm, No.53, Verse 32, for example, says: " ... therefore do not attribute purity to yourselves; He knows him best who keeps from evil. "

Imam Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Ali (a.s.) in one of his sermons, speaking about the signs of the pious ones, points out: " ... whenever they are praised, they awe ...". Therefore, that self-praise, which originates from pride, self-admiration and humiliating others, is forbidden, while praising Allah and worshipping Him is a great value. By the way, the divine retributions of people are the fruit of the evil deeds and they are not from the side of Allah.

" Have you not seen those who consider themselves pure? Nay! Allah purifies whom He pleases, and they shall not be wronged even the hair of a date-stone. "

(50) ÇäÙõÑú ßóíÝó íóÝúÊóÑõæäó Úóáóì Çááøåö ÇáßóÐöÈó æóßóÝóì Èöåö ÅöËúãðÇ ãøõÈöíäðÇ

50. " See how they forge a lie against Allah! and it is sufficient as a manifest sin. "


The Jews considered themselves a superior race and also the children and the beloved of the Lord. This self-admiration is the greatest calumny unto Allah, because He has not appointed anyone as His child, and all human beings are equal before Him. It is in the case that, to Him, the only privilege is Faith and piety.

In belie, besides the existence of lie, there are also the sin of accusation, persecution, injustice, and desecration.

Belie upon Allah nullifies fasting, too. Imam Baqir (a.s.) also said: " ... Telling lie is worse than drinking wine." Yet, belie is graver than telling a lie, either.

" See how they forge a lie against Allah! and it is sufficient as a manifest sin. "

(51) Ãóáóãú ÊóÑó Åöáóì ÇáøóÐöíäó ÃõæÊõæÇú äóÕöíÈðÇ ãøöäó ÇáúßöÊóÇÈö íõÄúãöäõæäó ÈöÇáúÌöÈúÊö æóÇáØøóÇÛõæÊö æóíóÞõæáõæäó áöáøóÐöíäó ßóÝóÑõæÇú åóÄõáÇÁ ÃóåúÏóì ãöäó ÇáøóÐöíäó ÂãóäõæÇú ÓóÈöíáÇð
