
The Virtue of Studying This Sura:

According to a tradition, the Prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h) said: "Whoever recites Sura An-Nisa, as if this person has spent property in the path of Allah as much as any Muslim inherits by virtue of the purport of this Sura, and also, a similar reward of a person who has freed a slave, will be given to him." (1)

It is evident that the purpose in this tradition, and all of the similar traditions, is not a bare recitation of the verses, but recitation is a preparation for comprehension, the which is, in its turn, a preparation for action and behaving accordingly in personal and social life. Thus, it is certain that if Muslims take lessons from the contents of the verses of this Sura and apply them in their own lives, besides their worldly advantages, they will enjoy of all these rewards in the Hereafter.

(1) Majma'-ul-Bayan, vol. 3, p. 1